The Fiance's bff and Best Man, A is getting married two weeks before us, and A's little brother T is getting married a month after us and their mother threw them a "man" shower a few weeks ago. It was my first time attending one, but I have heard of it before. It's similar to a bridal shower, but the men register for manly things like tools instead of kitchen stuff. It was a lot of fun and nice to do something fun for the groom instead of always for the bride.
Here's the Fiance and I with A (they are each other's Best Mans)
The Grooms-To-Be
Groom T with the Fiance and I
All the boys together
The Fiance's Mother and A and T's mother made quilts together for the boys (they also made one for the Fiance and I too, you can see it in this post)
Such a funny and creative gift, boxers strung on a jumper cable!

At the shower, we even played the Toilet Paper Wedding Dress game, which was hilarious!
The shower was a hoot! It was a ton of fun and it being centered around the boys was hilarious and very sweet. I can't wait for their weddings, it's going to be two months of wedding mania in these households!!