Two weeks ago, I had the opportunity to join Hollywood fitness expert, Kacy Duke for a cardio-dance workout. Kacy Duke partnered with Dove Visibly Smooth deodorant-which minimizes the look and feel of underarm hair over time to help women feel stumble free for longer. At the event we received the new deodorants- can't wait to try it!- as well as a Lucy Lu workout tank top and a copy of Angeleno magazine.

We met in Los Angeles at Siren Studios and I was able to bring my homeslice T along for the ride.

The class was aaaaamazing!! We danced the entire time and Kacy Duke had so much energy! It was such a great workout and it didn't even feel like you were working out. It was so much fun!

I'm not going to lie, even though it was a TON of fun, towards the end I thought my body may give up. Not in a "I think I may throw up" workout way, but a "must keep moving, must keep moving" way. I'd love to attend more workout classes like this one. If you EVER get the chance to check out a dance-cardio class DO IT! It was really a great work out, T and I were both sore the next day, and it was so much more fun than basic cardio and weight training.
Have you taken a dance-cardio class before? I've tried Zumba at 24 HR Fitness, but didn't care for it. Kacy's class felt more active and upbeat. I really liked how I felt the next day- more energized and healthier, even though I was a bit sore.
Have you tried these Dove deodorants? What brand do you use?
it looks like you had a great time! The work-out looks like it's really fun actually...at least from the picture and the description :)
I do Jazzercise and I LOVE it! Great workout. And I use the Dove deodorants. I just use the one with the green top...not sure what that is...bad, huh?
Dance cardio? I must give it a try!
I must confess I do not wear deodorant on a daily basis! I don't really stink. Or so I am told. ; )
How fun! So glad you were able to make it, I wanted to go so bad!
love fun classes! make workouts that much better! good for you!
what a fun experience! I am so sad because I was actually using DOVE clinical strength and it caused me to get repeated cysts on my underarms :( I love their body wash though.
All of you ladies should definitely give a dance-cardio class a try! It was so much fun!
Veronika- I used to use Dove too, but my underarm area is really sensitive. I had to switch to an organice one, but I'm going to still give this one a whirl since it's a different formula. I'll let you know if it works!
how fun i wish i could have gone! well have to find a class like this :)
I love dancing!! I am definitely gonna find some kind of dance-cardio to try! :)
I don't use Dove as a deodorant but I love their location and other products. Dove is a really great company and I'll continue buying from them!
Happy Hump Day Sweetie!
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