Hi! My name is Kristen, welcome to my blog!
Love, Lipstick, and Pearls is about my personal life and style, beauty, and shenanigans.
I live in southern California with my husband Matt and our newborn daughter Eleanor Lynn. Matt and I have been married since May 2007 and Ellie joined our family in May 2013.
I started this blog to help share my thoughts, whether it's beauty and fashion related, or something more personal. Blogging has been an incredible experience and has bonded me to so many new people. I've made so many friends, found tons of inspiration and new products, but I've also found myself along the way. The community is incredible and has had such a positive affect on me. It's brought me to new paths, ways to connect to people I would otherwise never had the chance of meeting, and opened my eyes to things beyond my front porch and nearest mall.
Love, Lipstick and Pearls is to journal my life, share secrets of how-tos and products, and to create something more by reaching out and learning.
Thank you so much for reading and all of your love and support. Each comment and email means so much to me. Some are hilarious and brighten my day, while others are heartfelt and are just the words I needed to make it through the week. It's so special to me the relationships created through LLP and I appreciate each of you very much!