Isn't this little guy gorgeous? Those stunning blue eyes with the lush lashes get me everytime. This is my Fiance's nephew (and soon to "officially" be mine too! I can't wait) Logan and he is so much fun! He'll be four this winter and I swear he's bigger every time I see him. Logan is always laughing, loves to listen to music, do puzzles, help bake cookies, watch movies and swim. He's such an amazing swimmer! He can swim from one end of the pool to other under water and knows when to come up for air. He's loves to find hidden treasures at the bottom of the pool too! One of the things I love most about Logan is how loving he is. He freely gives hugs and kisses and if you catch him right he also loves to cuddle.

Logan got a baby sister this year and he just adores her! He's so gentle and loves to touch and look at his sister and give her lots of loves. You can often find him sitting next to her and holding her hand. It's seriously the most precious sight to see!

Last Spring, Logan was diagnosed with Autism. Autism is the second most common developmental disorders in the US and affects one in every 110 children born. Maybe you have a loved one with Autism?
The cause of autism is unknown and there is no cure. Some children have shown improvement with therapy or diets, but there is still no cure. Logan currently has therapy and has grown so much from it, but days are still difficult. Logan does not talk and it can be very frustrating when he's trying to tell us his needs and wants, but cannot communicate them. Autism affects the brain's normal development of social and communication skills, Logan does not enjoy interactive games and often prefers to play alone. It's difficult on me and the family because we love him so much and want to spend time with him doing things he enjoys, but that's not always easy.

Next month on October 2 our family and friends will be participating in the Walk Now for Autism Speaks in San Diego, CA. This is an opportunity to fight against autism by raising money for research and public awareness. Please join us in our fight to raise money to help fund research.You can visit my page here or our team page here. Our team goal is to raise $5000 last year we raise $2700 and came in second for the amount raised. My personal goal is to raise $500. If you would like to help our fight, please visit our page and make a donation online. You can donate to Walk Now for Autism Speak using our pages or by mail using the donation form located on my page. You can even send me a check made out to Autism Speaks! *All donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent allow by law. Autism Speaks 501 (C)(3) Tax Id #: 20-2329938*

A little note from Logan's family: In April of 2009 my son was diagnosed with Autism. Autism is a social and communication disorder. At three years old his days consist of 5 to 9 hours of therapy five days a week. He is unable to enjoy many things that three year olds are able to do. I would give anything to be able to play catch with my son and have a conversation with him. At this time he still has no words. Please help me in this fight for Logan and many other families who long to hear the words, "your child no longer has Autism". Thank you
Here a picture of our team from last year's event:
Here a picture of our team from last year's event:

Thank you to everyone for your support and well wishes! We hope to support the Walk Now for Autism to help find a cure for Autism and help families everywhere.
WHAT a beautiful litle boy! Praying for him and his family! What a great cause!
That is so wonderful of you all to participate in the Walk Now for Autism. He is a beautiful little boy.
He is a doll! So sweet. What a wonderful cause you are supporting.
We will be walking for my son's best bud Logan! We love him to pieces!
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