Wow. After these two shirts, my wardrobe is complete. Thank you Forever 21 for offering such chic and timeless clothing.
(Product Code: 2074200181 for The Situation, Product Code: 2074200192 for Snooki, if you want to add these bad boys to your closet)
Wow! I can't believe it... I can honestly say that I have not ever gotten into this show. I will definitely not be adding this to my wardrobe.
Oh Lord.
No f'ing way... i never thought someone i went to high school with would be on a shirt sold at forever 21... they make them look much better on the shirts than they look in real life! hahaha.
no. way.
as much as this show is my guilty pleasure, i would never waste money on those things. So sad that so many kids probably will though. WOW
Seriously. hahahahah!
xoxo Inna :)
how do you not have a pauly d one though!
hahahah seriously?!! I bet they sell out too!
I'm speechless.
Oh man, how could you live without these in your fashion artillery?? Bahahaha
gross. :(
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