Ladies, be prepared. I'm warning you now. This WHOLE week (and maybe next week too) will be heavy with wedding pics. I'm trying to break up the posts so the pictures won't make you overloaded on wedding stuff. The posts will consist of our bridal party, the ceremony, family shots, reception, details, and then posts about where I got certain items, my inspirations and advice for future brides out there. Consider yourself warned.
I'm so happy with our pictures. They turned out so beautiful.
Nick Radford was our photographer and he has such an incredible eye and talent. Our pictures are so special, I can't wait to have our own place and hang them
The whole day went by so quickly, try as I might to hold onto each moment, the whole day went by like a flash. It seriously felt so surreal, I felt like that child from the YouTube video who's high from the dentist "is this real life?". You plan for months and sometimes years and the day is finally there. It's incredible.