The Details:
It all started with the invitation "Don't be late, don't be late for a very important date a bridal shower tea for the bride-to-be":

The weather was rainy all weekend long, but luckily the day of the shower was bright and sunny, but it was still a bit cool. The BMs had planned for my shower to be outside, but moved it indoors to the garage of my Aunt and Uncle's home (a different aunt/uncle from where the wedding will be held).
In the front of the garage, there was a sign draped in cute beads, the centerpieces were flowers held in top hats and tea cups- some draped in pearls. Each table had different decor, some had pictures of the Fiance and I, tea pots, mushrooms, bunnies, and we had card suit bowls filled with goodies and all the tables had flowers and butterflies sprinkled on them.

The guests were asked to "Paint the roses red with words of wisdom for the Bride-to-be". I received so much good advice, I'll be sharing that wth you ladies in a different post.

My Grand Big Sis (remember how she asked her BMs in this post? Or her engagement party here?) is so talented and made the Rice Krispie cake and all of the cupcakes for the party. I saw the picture of the Rice Krispie cake back in July and immediately emailed her asking if she would be able to make one for me. The original picture can be found in this Wedding Cake Post. Seriously, she has some skills- check out our names!!

For food we had different salads- pasta, potato, fruit, regular salad. Different sandwiches- cucumber, egg salad, and smoke salmon rolls. Then we had some fun snacks- crescents, muffins, and the chow on the tables. The BMs made several different drinks, each sticking with the theme: "White Rabbit Raspberry Lemonade" (alcoholic), "Cheshire Peach Tea" and "Alice's Apple Limeade". By all of the food and drinks were tags that said "Drink Me" and "Eat Me".

There's the details ladies! It was so much fun and so creative! Everyone worked so hard and it really worked out so well. I'm still getting comments about what a great shower and how creative and pretty it was. I was truly impressed! Everything was beautiful and everything tasted delicious!
The rest of the pictures are coming up this week! Sorry, but this entire week of posting will be heavy with Bridal Shower posts and pics. It was just too much to put into all one post.