27 Weeks 2 Days
This past week I had my Dr appointment, which I was so excited about! My mother-in-law came with me and the Dr said everything is looking great! He measured my belly and said I'm exactly where we need to be, we went over several questions I had about labor, delivery, etc. (I keep notes on my phone for questions I want to review with him). I'm so happy that I have such a great Dr, I feel comfortable talking to him about the most random pregnancy stuff and asking any question that pops into my head. Since we had a guest, we did an ultrasound to check our little bunny out and she is so cute! She kept moving her mouth, and you can already see she had my Anderson Chubby Cheeks (all Anderson's in my family have them). I can't wait to kiss and cuddle with her! Right now, she's also breach, positioned up and down, with her head and feet pointing up. He said not to worry about it now and we have plenty of time for her to flip and turn head down. At my next appointment, if she hasn't turned we'll discuss more options for us. I'm really not worried at all, I have a feeling she'll turn and I have full faith and trust in my Dr, so I'm not afraid of having a C-section if that's what will be best. I'll keep you informed for that update! I also passed my glucose test, so I'm very excited about that! I was a little nervous I may not pass, but we're in the clear!
My girlfriend had her shower this weekend and it made me so excited for her! It's been fabulous going through our pregnancies together and I can't wait to meet her little man next month!Excuse our squinty eyes, the sun was so bright!
Here's a picture of our Chi Omega sisters together at her shower.
As one of my gifts, I made her a baby blanket with a vintage football theme.
How far along? 27 weeks, the first week of my third trimester! (Each bumpdate reviews the week previous, so I'm 28 weeks today)
Total weight gain: 10.5 lbs! My Dr said I've made great progress, but that I "can do better". He told me he wants me to gain another 10-15lbs before I deliver. Baby is weighing in at 3.5lbs as well.
Stretch marks?: I got them....and I cried....a lot. Then I prayed that I can be thankful for all my blessings and realize how vain I was being.........and then I cried again. I'm better now, I'd even go as far to say I'm over it, and am just so thankful for so many things- that I'm pregnant to begin with, how easy my pregnancy has been, how quickly we were able to get pregnant, and how healthy our baby is. THAT'S what's important. Not the faint pink stretch marks I have. I'm still using the
Burt's Bees Mama Bee Belly Butter every day and have started to use my Skincare Ormedic Balancing Anti Oxidant Serum on the marks as well- I figured if it worked miracles on my under eye area it may work miracles for stretch marks too.
Maternity clothes: I picked up a strapless bra this weekend, I had to go up a size in band, but size down in cup (or my regular pre-pregnancy cup size). I picked it up from Target and it has to be the most comfortable strapless bra I've ever worn. I think it's
this one (I'm pretty sure, but not positive) and I was hesitant about the style of cups, but it works just as well, but more comfortable than standard strapless bras that have two separate cups (does that make sense?). Don't be fooled by the model, it is the worst picture ever of the product, Targer really needs to re-shoot this shot.
I'm still wearing my Old Navy
Maternity Smooth-Panel Rockstar Jeggings (I bought two pairs) and my
Kiki La'Rue Jeggings
(which aren't maternity, but fit below my belly). Nearly all of my
shirts still work for my growing belly and some of my dresses have been
turned into tunics for the time being.
I've been trying really hard at not buying any clothes, especially since my shower(s) are so close, but I couldn't help myself when two of these onesies were the last ones left at Target. The pants have little ruffles down the sides too.
Belly Button in or out?: Flat! I think it will definitely be popping out by the time Baby L arrives.
Sleep: Again, with my dreams! I need to only watch Disney or feel-good movies because anything at all suspenseful or sad that I watch/read before bed just really gets into my subconscious. Another girlfriend of mine is lending me her snoogle pillow, I've only used it a few nights and liked it, but it's a pain to change sides with during the night.
Best moment this week: I can still paint my toes!! My sweet husband was going to paint them for me, but I found that if I sit on the couch and bring up one foot at a time to the edge I can do it all by my big girl self. Phew, I feel like the hubs and I kind of dodged a bullet with this one.
Worst moment this week: The vainest day of my life, aka Stretch Mark Gate. I felt pretty silly after I was over it, especially knowing how lucky I am and how they'll probably get worse and I'll get more with this pregnancy and probably my future ones.
Here is another blanket I made for my sorority Big Sis, I absolutely love it! I'll have to make a duplicate for my little bunny.
Have you told family and friends: Absolutely!
Miss Anything? I've started making a list of the foods I want to eat as soon as the pregnancy is over. I don't have any strong cravings for anything I can't have, but I have been daydreaming about blue cheese (you are supposed to steer clear of unpastuerized cheeses due to bacteria).
Movement: Lots and lots! Right now she is hanging out just under my ribs so I have to stretch out to get some relief. I also feel a lot of weight in my lower abdomen which is really uncomfortable, especially when standing/walking, I feel like I need to wear a support band or something sometimes.
Food cravings: More fruit and Pinkberry. This weekend I had to have Pinkberry, once I thought about it, I couldn't get it out of my head, so the hubs and I piled into our car and waited in the longest line ever to get some. It was delicious and totally worth the wait!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nada.
Have you started to show yet: Yes and so has the top part of my belly button. You can see it through some of my shirts even.
Gender: Girl!
Symptoms: I'm getting more and more tired by day's end, but I'm also blaming the time change for this as well.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
I had two fun surprises this past week, first, Frances of
It's Sew my Style sent me the Animals book and The Happiest Baby. It was such a sweet and generous gift, thank you again! Second, one of my girlfriends gave me One Hot Mama, which I'm super excited about reading!
What I'm reading: Right now I'm reading A Piece of Cake, a memoir of Cupcake Brown, but it's giving me nightmares. I'm going to start reading the books above before bedtime now.
Looking forward to: The nursery is almost cleaned out!! Woohoo!! I just have a few items to go over, and it's those items where if they were to be thrown out, you would never know it, but for some reason you've held onto them forever. I was able to throw a lot of items out last week, and it felt so good to get rid of so much clutter! I'm actually looking forward to finishing up clearing it out this weekend, vaccuuming the room, and getting it ready to start putting together.
Thank you so much for reading along on my pregnancy journey, all your emails and comments have meant to much to me. Having a community to share this with and have women to ask questions to has been wonderful!