When I was in SD visiting my sister, I picked this primer (and a
lip primer, still being tested for reviews!) up on a Target run. You seriously cannot go to Target and walk out empty handed. It's ridiculous. Maybe I should just get paid in Target gift cards.
Well, I've had a love and hate relationship with elf, some items are my go-to and others are meh. I've tried their
Mineral Shadow Primer and did not care for it, you got what you paid for with it. I like to use primer mostly when I'm going out and what my shadow to really stick, but the heat this summer has seemed to be more than the normal summer and I've found I needed something for my lids even when not using shadow, but just to make my powder last longer. I've been using
UD Primer Potion since my engagement photos and love it, but recently ran out. Then came my Target run.
From the website:
The Prime side sets your eyeshadow in so your color won’t fade, bleed or
crease. The Liner side transforms your favorite eye shadow into a
waterproof, smudge-proof liquid liner with this unique clear liquid and
built-in felt tip precision eyeliner brush. Now you can have your eye
makeup lasting longer for no fuss no budge color.
My review:
-Ok, this is going to be one-sided because I've only used the eye primer and I'm not interested in the liner sealer. When I saw it, I thought it was like a sealer for your liner (like the name) and so I put on my liquid liner and when it dried I put this sealer on top. Big mistake, it made my liner bleed! Then I read the box, it's to transform your shadow into lasting eye liner! Duh, I'm a dork. I haven't used it like it's supposed to be used and don't plan on it, it's just not a product I need.
-I like that the primer is a light "natural" color, some primers I've used have been too dark and this one is a perfect shade
-Goes on and blends easily
-Doesn't alter or intensify your shadow like other primers (which can be seen as a pro or con depending on your preference)
-Lasts several hours without fading and creasing
-Here's a pic of my shadow after wearing neutral colors (MAC Blanc Type, Phloof, and Honesty) for 11 hours. I put on my shadow around 5am and this pic was taken around 5-530pm. I checked my shadow on one of my breaks and it still looked good on hour 8. There's obviously some creasing and disappearance and ew, my liner is bleh.
-The primer works better with some shadows than others. My MAC shadows have worked awesome with the primer, where my UD Naked Pallettes have creased and disappeared a lot sooner.
It's totally worth it's $3 price tag, I'll be buying this product again for sure. UD Primer Potion is still superior and I'll be replacing that one soon. This elf primer is fabulous for everyday-no-big-deal use, not mega nights out or important days where you need your make-up to last a lifetime.
Do you use a primer? Which is your favorite?