Does she wear weird stuff? Yes.
Is her hair different nearly everyday? Yes.
Does her music make me want to dance? Yes.
Have you seen her wear pants? Rarely.
I think I'm in love with her! She's just so unique and different. She's like David Bowie and Cher had a baby together.
I saw this article on Fox News and I think her and I could be really close friends.
"I was on my way to a festival, I was on the street and he (a police officer) stopped me. He said ‘put your ass up against the fence’, there were kids around so I guess he wanted me to cover up my bum - quite a bit was showing," Gaga explained. "But it was quite an epic moment for me, I was up against the fence going ‘it’s fashion, I’m an artist!’
"But I’ve always been famous, it is just that nobody knew."
I think she's very inspiring; her music doesn't sound like anything else on the radio, she's not afraid to just wear whatever she wants, she makes no apologies for what she wears/who she is. I think she's redefining fashion and music. Plus her CD rocks.
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