Summer is over, I'll be packing up my summer wardrobe by the end of the month. At least living in California I can get by wearing a lot of "summer" items still because it's so warm. Making the change to a fall wardrobe is so dreadful to me. I love the hot weather, being outside, and wearing minimal clothing. Since I'm not Mother Nature, fall is inevitable. There are a few things to look forward to though.... like shopping for new clothes, drinking spiced cidar, and new boots.
Here is my need/want/will die without shopping list:
· A white or grey fitted blazer that hits just below the front pockets of my pants (I ordered one today that I hope works)
· Black studded heels and bag (a less expensive version of the ones I’ve been pining for)
· A long sleeve mini-dress
· Versatile “flowy” shirts- I have what I want in my head, I just need to find them
· Purplish Berry Lipgloss (like Taylor’s)
· A white manicure with details on my ring fingers
· To the knee gray boots to replace my old ones
· Riding boots? Just maybe.
· Tiffany & Co Key Necklace
· Some fun bangles
· Dressy leggings that go to my ankle (I ordered some zipper detailed ones today with the blazer)
Here is what I'm looking forward to doing this fall:
· My trip up north to see my BFF S. - going shopping in San Fran, eating fresh clam chowder, and going to the brewfest.
· Seeing Legally Blonde the Musical (I’ve been waiting all year for this show!) and Mary Poppins (waiting all of my life for this one)
· Halloween- I’m trying to come up with a great group or couple theme this year where the BF doesn’t look “gay” (he used this term when I suggested we be sailors)
What are you looking forward to this fall? What is on your shopping list? Do you have any suggestions where I could find the above items? The plum/berry lipgloss is the one I'm having the most trouble finding. I want one that I can wear during the day and not feel comfortable wearing it with just all black.