Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Baby 2 Bumpdate: Week 23

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22 Weeks 3 Days

Did you miss our announcement or our first bumpdate? Check them out if you need to catch up!

This week has been great! I said in the first post that I'll probably just do simple posts with updates on any major changes or feelings. I'm gonna try it this week, please let me know what you think and which you prefer! Thank you so much for all of your feedback and comments, this has been a great journey and I'm so happy to be doing it again.

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Dress (non-maternity)

Here's some updates from last week:

- Pregnancy insomnia is still around! I've woken up almost every night around 2am and will be up for 45-60 minutes. Luckily, I'm not tired in the morning and I'm able to fall back asleep after some time.

-I love the items I've bought for clothes this pregnancy and will do a review of everything I've bought that's maternity so far. Would you want a review of the non-maternity items too?

-The salty/tart cravings are still going strong. This weekend I made homemade lemonade with lemons from my uncle's tree. I've already finished the pitcher and can't wait to make another one. I've also been drinking the juice from our green olives (which I always regret after).

-The baby has been so active! Last week I posted that she doesn't move all the time, but I've felt her so much more since that posted. It's like she knew I wrote that about her and she had to prove me wrong. I love it!

-We've bought a few things for the new baby's room, I'm really excited to get it set up. Right now, we use it as a guest room so we have to clear out the Cal King Bed (our old one) and some dressers and we plan on re-painting it at the end of this month. We're thinking a soft white with a gray tone to it. Any suggestions?

Hope you're all having a great week! If you're expecting, please post your site below if you blog so I can check it out!


Jess Scott said...

Ah, pregnancy insomnia is the worst!! I am always up for 2-3 HOURS...I hope this passes quickly for you!! Homemade lemonade sounds DELICIOUS! I have become addicted to fresh-squeeze OJ - so good! Have a great week!!

Anonymous said...

You look beautiful - and I could sure go for a glass of lemonade right now.

Kristen said...

It is the worst! I hate not sleeping through the night. We've had fresh oj a few times with oranges from our neighbors and it is delicious! Nothing beats fresh squeezed!

Kristen said...

Thank you! You're so sweet Rachel!

Page said...

I'd love to see the non-maternity items you purchased as well as the maternity!

Kristin Thompson said...

You look adorable pregnant!! I can't wait to see how the nursery comes out!

Crumbs & Curls

#mommylife said...

Hey mama! You look great! And yes the insomnia sucks! Same here! 😘