6 Months 3 Days
Sometimes the world can seem really unfriendly, people not opening doors or holding elevators, but this last week, I've been shown so much love. People everywhere are opening doors for me, commenting on how cute my bump looks (even at the gym when my pimple farm was on full display), women letting me cut in line for the restroom because the know how it is when you're expecting, and little girls pointing and smiling at my bump. It's really been refreshing to know how kind and considerate people can be. Little gestures are easy to look over so I wanted to make a point of acknowledging and being grateful for the good in the world and being sure to spread it in my own way to others.
How far along? I'm 25 weeks today and review week 24 in this post. I can't believe that I'm already six months, I feel like I just read the test results, that I just told our family, and that I was just at my first appointment. These remaining few months are going to fly by so quickly. Between now and the baby's birth, we only have one free weekend each month so I need to make the most of them in preparing for little baby girl.
Total weight gain: I don't own a scale so I'm not sure, but at my last appointment it was 4.5lbs and I think I'm close to 9lbs now, but I won't know for sure until my next appointment in March.
Stretch marks?: Nope. I'm still using the Burt's Bees Mama Bee Belly Butter every day.
Maternity clothes: Most of my tops still fit great, so I'm only wearing maternity friendly pants. I have the Old Navy Maternity Smooth-Panel Rockstar Jeggings (I bought two pairs) and my Kiki La'Rue Jeggings (which aren't maternity, but fit below my belly).
Belly Button in or out?: In! It's getting more shallow each day though and the top part that is beginning to ridge out is getting larger.
Sleep: Sleeping has been eh all week long. I've been waking up around 3 every morning and staying wide awake until I have to get up. I'm just uncomfortable and baby moves so much that once I wake up it's hard to go back to sleep with the movement.

Isn't this the sweetest dress ever? Picked it up at TJ Maxx! If you're looking for baby stuff, shop there, they had so many dresses I wanted to buy, but I'm trying to stop buying clothes until after my showers.
Best moment this week: Getting some shopping done for the nursery! We bought the IKEA Hemnes dresser and Graco Lauren crib (you can see them in this Recent Purchases post) and the crib is already at the store, ready for pick up. Initially I was hesitant about the IKEA dresser only because I feel like IKEA can be so hit and miss in terms of quality. So many of you commented on how great the dresser works for you so I feel so much better about it, so thank you! I can't wait to put it together! I've also picked up some different knobs and contact paper for the dresser, along with some picture frames. I plan on doing a gallery wall, but need a square frame, but I can't find ones anywhere!! Well, I did but they're $15 and I'm not spending that when I need to buy several of the same. Any suggestions on where I can find them?
Worst moment this week: Things were pretty great this past week. Sleeping was really my only issue, but that's only going to get worse as the baby gets larger and then once she's here I can kiss all sleep goodbye.
Have you told family and friends: Yes!
Miss Anything? Just sleeping comfortably and through the night. Also, not having to use the restroom every hour.
Movement: All the time! The squirming and kicks are getting stronger and she's awake more during the day than in weeks past.
Food cravings: More fruit! I picked up strawberries and kiwi this week for Costco and I've been snacking on them throughout the day. I've also been loving OJ which I've never cared much for in the past (I liked it, just never bought it) and now I'm drinking a carton a week. I'm also still loving lemonade and grilled cheese sandwiches.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Thankfully not.
Have you started to show yet: Totally! Like I said earlier in this post, most of my shirts work, but there's a few I found that I only have a few weeks of life in them because they will be too short to cover the whole bump and still look cute.
Gender: Girl!
Symptoms: Zits! I have a little cluster of them between my brows, one on the side of my nose, and another on the bottom of my chin. I've always had clear skin, so this is killing my vanity. My linea negra is becoming more visible, though it's still not that dark (yet). I think I've grown another half size in the chest and I need to pick up some new bras. I'm not sure if I want to get a regular bra now or start buying maternity/nursing ones though. Mommies, do you have any suggestions? I have a few months before she'll be here so I'll get wear out of a typical bra, but since I'll have to get maternity/nursing bras I wonder if I should get them now.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! I'm so excited about our little girl, I feel like my face is lit up 24/7 with excitement.
What I'm reading: Secrets of the Mommyhood by Heather Alexander available here) I've been reading this book on my lunch breaks at work and have really enjoyed it so far. I'll be doing a review on a future Bumpdate post when I've finished.

Looking forward to: We're clearing out the nursery this weekend of boxes and then will start in putting together the furniture!
As for baby clothes, apparently my little girl will be dressed like sherbert ice cream with all these pastels I've bought her! I'm trying to buy 3-6 months, but I'm not really sure what sizes I should be buying. If I buy 12 months, will she use it next summer or fit into it early and it fits during the wintertime? I feel like child/baby sizes tend to be smaller than what they truly wear- almost like adult vanity sizing. Also, I've been trying to find something to bring her home in and have no clue what size to buy. My mother said I didn't fit into anything newborn if it was a one piece because I was too long, and then started laughing and said no socks fit me either and she had to buy bigger ones because my feet were (and still are) so big. Thanks mom. What sizing do you suggest?
You look great! I'm excited for people to be able to tell I'm pregnant easily - I love it when people are that nice. I experienced it last year when I was on crutches and it reminds you how good most people are :)
Love the clothes too, can't wait for that either!
{love jenny xoxo}
I'm buying most clothing 6 months and up! That's what everyone recommends. I live in a warm climate so I'm not as worried about seasonal items because I know I'll use them earlier or later if need be :)
PS- you look great!
When I was pregnant with my son, he kept showing up on the sonograms as large. I didn't think he'd fit in any newborn clothes, so I took two 0-3 month outfits to the hospital to bring him home in (wasn't sure which one I'd want to use). Even though he was large (9lb 2 oz), he was swimming in the 0-3 mo clothes. I'd say take a NB and a 0-3 month outfit. She will probably be have a hat and a light blanket on her anyway.
You look absolutely fabulous!!
you look so great!!!
The dresser took my husband and I about 2-3 hours to put together. Just be sure you follow the pictures. It is not as hard as it seems. Just put everything out and then make sure you have the right piece. Judge based on the holes or the length of the screw. :)
you look so great!!! I love that you are still looking oh so stylish with that pretty baby bump! oh and that little dress is adorable!
I'm LOVING your cute baby bump and all the cute baby clothes! As for sizing, I bought just a handful of newborn size things and Hudson wore them for maybe 2 weeks. He was 7 lbs 9 oz and 21 inches long at birth. He started wearing size 0-3 months pretty early. Right now he is 5 and a half months old and wears mostly 6-9 month clothing and jammies, so he is way ahead. Most people will buy you stuff that is between 0-6 months, so try focusing on buying 6+ stuff.
In regards to the bra question, I wore a cotton sports bra like every day my last few months of pregnancy. Nothing else was comfy & I didn't want to keep buying new bras if I continued to grow in the chest area.
I would recommend 0-3 mth clothes as they start at 8 lbs. They might be a little big at first but baby probably won't fit in newborn for long. I would wait to buy bigger clothes until you know size of baby and how she is growing. We got a dresser from IKEA too. We love it! Just pay attention with assembly....we had to re-due a few parts. As far as bras, I bought nursing ones just a little bigger. Once your milk comes in you will go up about 1/2 size or so. I would recommend getting professionally measured at a maternity store and ask their opinion. Anyways, you look amazingly beautiful! Love ya girl!
You look so good Kristen! I think everyone loves a pregnant momma so I wouldn't expect anything but people treating you with sweetness and care. Can't wait to see pics as the nursery starts to come together. Also, would love to know more about books you've read and what you liked/didn't like.
You look fabulous and happy! :-)
Great tips! Those pants look cute!
=) Brooke
Oh my gosh you look fabulous!!!
P.S. I'm hosting a giveaway today for a $75 credit at MINTED.COM! Be sure to enter...you could order your birth annoucements here!!
You look so dang cute! :) And I'm dying over all the adorable baby clothes! Baby girls dressed like sherbert is ADORABLE to me!! :) :) :)
As for the square picture frame - check IKEA! They have a great selection of frames, and they're pretty cheap! Otherwise, go to Michael's or something and use coupons!
You look beautiful!! I love hearing about your journey to your baby!!
Nikki at www.bedazzlesafterdark.com
Enter my giveaway to win a Monogrammed Leather Clutch here
Looking good! You know, I had MAJOR acne, too, and hated it. Mostly it was on my chest and back so I could hide it, but still. Ah, the joy of hormones.
Can't wait to see the nursery as it comes together.
I can't believe you have only gained 9 pounds. Not fair!! My weight gain was out of control. Also, I bought nursing bras right away. When I first got pregnant I went up a full cup size. You wear the nursing bras for a long time, so I made a good investment in a few at pea in a pod.
You look great! You'll notice that even post-pregnancy, people are a lot nicer when they see you toting around a little one. It's amazing what I difference I notice when I'm out at a store/restaurant now.
You look so dang cute! I really miss all the extra attention and sweet gestures from strangers. I still get it when Kenley is with me, but when I'm out on my own I feel like I need to wear a shirt that says "HEY! I just had a baby!"
Nice Photo
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