My husband's side of the family threw a shower for me at the beginning of the month, and boy are they sneaky! They are such good secret keepers and like to keep everything a surprise. It's so fun, but it also drives me nuts because nothing is ever a secret on my side of the family so I'm always in the know about everything. As much as it can drive me up the wall, I absolutely revel in it! You can't trick them into giving anything away, they don't drop any hints, nothing! Their lips are sealed! It makes holidays and parties very fun, something I haven't experienced since I was a kid waiting for Santa. About a week before my MIL finally gave me my invite and I got a little hint about the theme. With the shower just a month before my due date, I was definitely ready to pop!

The theme was so cute and all the details throughout the party were adorable! We had "Popping Lemonade and Tea", the cake had fun dots that matched the invitation, each table had popcorn and the cutest centerpieces of lollipop bouquets, they really went all out! The weather was so perfect, it was bright and warm, with just enough of a breeze to keep us cool. It was the perfect afternoon to spend outside celebrating.
I really wish I had a professional photographer for all of life's events, we were so busy having fun it's hard to remember to take pictures. The shower was beautiful and so nice to visit with all of our family and friends, we were so busy catching up and swapping baby/pregnancy stories we didn't get to take pictures until after everyone left! I'm so lucky to be so close to my in-laws, the Lord really blessed with wonderful family members all around. Thank you so much for such a special day!