Just over a week ago, I got to go back to my hometown to visit my family and friends and had such a great time. Even though I haven't lived in Utah for sometime now (as of May 31st it will be 13 years since the move) it still feels like home when I visit. I love the culture, the gorgeous scenery everywhere you go, the people, the food, and most of all my loved ones. Here's some pictures of my trip, including some Instagram shots (my username is kristen_lawler).

I took Grandpa to get some custard (it's just like ice cream, but better) to a little place he and Grandma used to take my sister and I all the time. This place has chocolate and vanilla everyday and a third flavor of the day. It was always such a thrill to see what the flavor of the day would be when we were young.

I also visited my Grandma who has now moved into a home. She has Alzheimer and it's so heartbreaking. I thought I would cry the entire time, but only did a few times. I was proud of myself. My grandparents are two of the most important people in my life and had a huge hand in raising me and helping me to become the person I am today. I miss them so much, I've thought about moving back to Utah a hundred times just to be closer to them.

While I was there, I also visited the City Creek Center and it's seriously the prettiest mall I've ever seen! The architecture, the colors, the area, everything was so pretty! I could have spent the whole day there. The mall spans three blocks. I even visited it twice!

They have some great shops and I picked up a few things, but nothing crazy. I also met a few of my childhood friends and we had such a blast catching up and shopping. It was so good to see them, these two girls I've known since preschool. It's so cool that we've kept in touch for so long.

I also got to see one of my besties new home that she and her family built. It was stunning! I loved all of it and immediately called my father-in-law to hatch a plan to get my husband and mother-in-law on board for moving out there.

I also came across some old family photos, isn't my sister the cutest with her wild hair?

Grandpa and my dad at dinner
PS my Dad is still adamant that Wolf should have been my name and that I should consider naming my future children that.
Oh you missed that awesome post? Read allllll about it here.
PS my Dad is still adamant that Wolf should have been my name and that I should consider naming my future children that.
Oh you missed that awesome post? Read allllll about it here.

I love all of the Jazz coverage and reading the newspaper each day, even though the season is long over for us.

The swing my grandparents have on their back porch. All 14 of us grandchildren have swung in that swing and I remember telling my grandpa to push me "higher! higher!" in it.

Oh, and I saw this girl wearing the cutest outfit at the airport. I couldn't stop staring, her hair was amazing too! I'm totally going to copy this whole outfit. Excuse the creeper pic, she was on the phone and I didn't get a chance to ask her for a proper pic. LOL.
I also spent time with my aunt, uncle, and cousins. I wanted to take pictures, but I totally forgot! I had the best time hanging out with them. It made me miss everyone even more! Every time I visit, I always want to move back. I seriously contemplate it too, I look at job postings, places to live, do a mental pros/cons list. I think I'll eventually end back there, but only the Lord knows! I can't wait to go back again though and I think I'll visit again in the summer time. The weather was perfect and it was nice to have a lighter suitcase. I usually visit in the winter because I miss the snow, but I think it's a valid excuse now to visit at least twice a year.
Have you ever moved out of state? Do you ever go back and visit your hometown?
**Don't forget to enter my $50 Kiki La'Rue Giveaway!**
**Don't forget to enter my $50 Kiki La'Rue Giveaway!**
Looks like you had a great trip :)
We moved from Connecticut to Florida a year and a 1/2 ago which was the best decision we ever made. We go home for Christmas and weddings. Coincindentally, my SIL's wedding weekend is the same weekend as my dad's 60th b-day so we get to be home for both and it's in the fall so we'll get to see some pretty foliage.
i love this post :)
i have never lived more than a couple hours away from my hometown. NC til i die baby!
I'm so glad that you had such a great time! I haven't been back home for a while because I always end up crying and wanting to move back after a trip lol! I'm such a dork. So happy that you got to see your family though :) !
Love this post - thanks for sharing!
Be sure to spend as much time as you can with your grandparents. It's funny, when you're younger, you just think they will always be there. I feel the same way you do...wish I lived closer to my only living grandfather. I do visit every few months, but would love to see him more.
BTW, your sunnies in the third photo are adorable! Who makes them?
xo, tasha
Enter to win a $50 Bauble Bar giftcard
That's so great that you've kept in touch with those friends for all of these years! It must have been bittersweet going back home but it looks like you had a fulfilling trip.
Sounds like you had a great time. I actually LOVE Utah. I am dying to see the new mall in DT SLC. Heard it is awesome! My Gram has Alzheimers as well. Hardest thing ever :(
I lived in NYC for 5 months for an internship and Seattle for a year. So Cal is home unless I become a billionaire and then I would move to NYC again. Haha.
Aw, its sounds like a nice little visit home with all the best things...family, friends, shopping;)
And I love the creeper photo:) A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do
Hey girl you won my giveaway!
Can you email me your address?
Custard is amazing! There's nothing better than grandparents.
looks like a fantastic trip!
HAHA you're such a creeper! I agree with your dad, you'd be much cooler as wolf. LOL.
Utah looks absolutely gorgeous! It's so wonderful that you are still so close to your grandparents and old friends.
Great trip good that you were able to hang out with family and old friends...I can't remember the last time I took a trip to see family. Sometimes those are the best vacations though..
You're so cute. It made my eyes fill with tears to see your grandma in a home. I remember her well! I remember one night in particular when we were staying at her house, coming in late and having chocolate milk and cake doughnuts!
I actually like to visit Utah but am always glad I live in Denver and am ready to go when the vacation is done. I would love to be closer to my family though, that's hard.
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