
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Bumpdate Week 26

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25 Weeks 2 Days

How far along? 25 Weeks (Each bumpdate reviews the week previous)

Total weight gain: I don't own a scale so I'm not sure, but at my last appointment it was 4.5lbs and I think I'm close to 9lbs now, but I won't know until my next appointment in March.

Stretch marks?: Not so far, I'm still using the  Burt's Bees Mama Bee Belly Butter every day.

Maternity clothes: I picked up a new bra this weekend, I had to go up a size in both band and cup. It's so freaking comfortable, but there's so much fabric! I guess this is something I'll have to get used to though, LOL. I'm still wearing my Old Navy Maternity Smooth-Panel Rockstar Jeggings  (I bought two pairs) and my Kiki La'Rue Jeggings (which aren't maternity, but fit below my belly).  It's beginning to warm up a bit and I've been wanting to wear dresses, but some are pretty short with the bump and everything. I'll need to invest in more maxi dresses, good for now and later.

Belly Button in or out?: In! It's getting more shallow each day though and the top part that is beginning to ridge out is getting larger.

Sleep: I've done what most of you have suggested and sleep with a pillow between my legs and put part of it under my belly and that helps during the night, so thank you! I've found that I'm sleeping through most of the night, only waking up once now, which I did even before I was pregnant.

I've also noticed that I'm getting more tired during the day and have started napping again on the weekends as well as going to bed earlier during the week. Best to get in some sleep now I guess!

Best moment this week: Picking up our Graco Lauren 4-in-1 Convertible Crib and a few decor items for the nursery. I saw the cutest single letter at TJ Maxx and the only one available was the letter of her first name! It was a total sign, I swear!

Worst moment this week: Yesterday on my way to work, she was a moving machine. It was very uncomfortable and almost painful. I've never felt that sensation before from her movement and told my carpool buddy that I felt like I could be sick just from her movement. Well guess what, as soon as we parked I had to vomit. So unclassy and I felt so bad for my carpool buddy! As soon as I got into work I googled the heck out of it and turns out it's common that baby movement can cause nausea and vomiting. Oh great. Right after I was sick, she was just her normal self and didn't get all crazy using my guts as a karate chopping block. Hopefully, this won't be a regular thing.

Have you told family and friends: Definitely!

Miss Anything? Still just fish, I didn't realize how often I ate seafood until I became pregnant.

Movement: Lots! Her kicks and turns are getting stronger so it makes me happy knowing she's growing. Sometimes I wonder what she's doing in there though based on the movement I feel. I like to picture her dancing, or laying on her back wiggling her limbs like a turtle that's been flipped over. Is that weird, normal, or just funny?

Food cravings: Kiwi, bananas, and strawberries.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Just the movement yesterday, but other than that nothing.

Have you started to show yet: Oh yes!

Gender: Team pink!

Symptoms: On Saturday, I felt like I was a young kid with growing pains, but in the belly region. I was so uncomfortable I couldn't sit, stand, or find a position to lay down comfortably. Then the next day I swear I was larger! The picture above was taken when I wasn't feeling to hot, so that's probably why I'm not as "happy" in the pic as I usually am.

Happy or Moody most of the time:

What I'm reading: Secrets of the Mommyhood by Heather Alexander (available here) and I'm almost done. It's really cute and funny, I love the style of writing. I was hoping to finish it before this post, but I'll probably finish tomorrow. It's really a quick read, but I've only had the chance to read it during my 30 minutes lunch breaks at work. It's so funny though and I appreciate her humor and tips.

Looking forward to: Cleaning out the nursery, it still has boxes from our move. The hubs and I planned on doing it this past weekend, but were busy with errands and cleaning other parts of our place and by the time we got to the nursery we were pooped. I'll be out of town this weekend for a bachelorette party for my SIL so the nursery will have to wait. Starting when I get back, our goal is to clean out one box every day and then get whatever is left taken care of next weekend. Then we can start putting the furniture together! Woohoo, wish us luck!!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

InstaLately Link Up 15

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My Valentines Get Up
F21 Sweater and Necklace (old), White Tank, Old Navy Maternity Jeans, Nordstrom BP Gold Flats
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Treats I made for dessert 
I'm obsessed with this chocolate, it's so good!
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So this happened and Baby Girl judo chopped my stomach to pieces. She did not like it! I just took it easy though and did some light walking and free weights. I don't think I'll be back until post-baby though, just walking the neighborhood for now. 

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The hubs and I made some homemade banana shakes one night when we were staying in, they were delicious! 

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6 months down! Can't believe we're so close to meeting our little baby! 

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My new Sally Hansen nail polish in Pacific Blue, I just love this fun color! 

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My favorite "Keep Calm" sign I've seen 

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I'm so excited to start this book, I've heard nothing but great things about it. Have any of you read it?

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Baby Registry Items

A few weeks ago, my Mother-in-law and I finished my baby registry at Babies R Us and it was so much fun! When my husband and I did our wedding registry I hated it. I would poop out after 45 minutes, find a chair to relax in, and would tell him to scan whatever the heck he wanted. We just needed so much and I didn’t know where we’d be living, what we would really need, etc. I was expecting for the baby registry to be the same way since I’ve never had a baby before and there is so much preference involved. What one baby/mother prefer the next one hates. I trudged on though, and we had a great time going through the aisles and reading reviews on the Babies R Us scanner (which was super helpful).
I had started my registry online, there were a few items I knew I wanted and then I reviewed some of my friends/family registries, reviewed blog posts I had saved, and searched Pinterest for must-have items as well. Here’s are some of the bigger/most needed items I registered for:

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Now, what I want to know what is your take on the baby registry? What is a must have, what can I skip? What did you wish you registered for but didn’t and had to buy it down the road. Please spill! 

Friday, February 22, 2013

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Bumpdate Week 25

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6 Months 3 Days

Sometimes the world can seem really unfriendly, people not opening doors or holding elevators, but this last week, I've been shown so much love. People everywhere are opening doors for me, commenting on how cute my bump looks (even at the gym when my pimple farm was on full display), women letting me cut in line for the restroom because the know how it is when you're expecting, and little girls pointing and smiling at my bump. It's really been refreshing to know how kind and considerate people can be. Little gestures are easy to look over so I wanted to make a point of acknowledging and being grateful for the good in the world and being sure to spread it in my own way to others.

How far along? I'm 25 weeks today and review week 24 in this post. I can't believe that I'm already six months, I feel like I just read the test results, that I just told our family, and that I was just at my first appointment. These remaining few months are going to fly by so quickly. Between now and the baby's birth, we only have one free weekend each month so I need to make the most of them in preparing for little baby girl.

Total weight gain: I don't own a scale so I'm not sure, but at my last appointment it was 4.5lbs and I think I'm close to 9lbs now, but I won't know for sure until my next appointment in March.

Stretch marks?:  Nope. I'm still using the  Burt's Bees Mama Bee Belly Butter every day.

Maternity clothes: Most of my tops still fit great, so I'm only wearing maternity friendly pants.  I have the Old Navy Maternity Smooth-Panel Rockstar Jeggings  (I bought two pairs) and my Kiki La'Rue Jeggings (which aren't maternity, but fit below my belly).

Belly Button in or out?: In! It's getting more shallow each day though and the top part that is beginning to ridge out is getting larger.

Sleep: Sleeping has been eh all week long. I've been waking up around 3 every morning and staying wide awake until I have to get up. I'm just uncomfortable and baby moves so much that once I wake up it's hard to go back to sleep with the movement.
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Isn't this the sweetest dress ever? Picked it up at TJ Maxx! If you're looking for baby stuff, shop there, they had so many dresses I wanted to buy, but I'm trying to stop buying clothes until after my showers.

Best moment this week:  Getting some shopping done for the nursery! We bought the IKEA Hemnes dresser and Graco Lauren crib (you can see them in this Recent Purchases post) and the crib is already at the store, ready for pick up. Initially I was hesitant about the IKEA dresser only because I feel like IKEA can be so hit and miss in terms of quality. So many of you commented on how great the dresser works for you so I feel so much better about it, so thank you! I can't wait to put it together! I've also picked up some different knobs and contact paper for the dresser, along with some picture frames. I plan on doing a gallery wall, but need a square frame, but I can't find ones anywhere!! Well, I did but they're $15 and I'm not spending that when I need to buy several of the same. Any suggestions on where I can find them?

Worst moment this week: Things were pretty great this past week. Sleeping was really my only issue, but that's only going to get worse as the baby gets larger and then once she's here I can kiss all sleep goodbye.

Have you told family and friends: Yes!

Miss Anything? Just sleeping comfortably and through the night. Also, not having to use the restroom every hour.

Movement: All the time! The squirming and kicks are getting stronger and she's awake more during the day than in weeks past.

Food cravings: More fruit! I picked up strawberries and kiwi this week for Costco and I've been snacking on them throughout the day. I've also been loving OJ which I've never cared much for in the past (I liked it, just never bought it) and now I'm drinking a carton a week. I'm also still loving lemonade and grilled cheese sandwiches.

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Anything making you queasy or sick: Thankfully not.

Have you started to show yet: Totally! Like I said earlier in this post, most of my shirts work, but there's a few I found that I only have a few weeks of life in them because they will be too short to cover the whole bump and still look cute.

Gender: Girl!

Symptoms: Zits! I have a little cluster of them between my brows, one on the side of my nose, and another on the bottom of my chin. I've always had clear skin, so this is killing my vanity. My linea negra is becoming more visible, though it's still not that dark (yet). I think I've grown another half size in the chest and I need to pick up some new bras. I'm not sure if I want to get a regular bra now or start buying maternity/nursing ones though. Mommies, do you have any suggestions? I have a few months before she'll be here so I'll get wear out of a typical bra, but since I'll have to get maternity/nursing bras I wonder if I should get them now.

Happy or Moody most of the time:
Happy! I'm so excited about our little girl, I feel like my face is lit up 24/7 with excitement. 

What I'm reading: Secrets of the Mommyhood by Heather Alexander available here) I've been reading this book on my lunch breaks at work and have really enjoyed it so far. I'll be doing a review on a future Bumpdate post when I've finished.

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Looking forward to: We're clearing out the nursery this weekend of boxes and then will start in putting together the furniture! 

As for baby clothes, apparently my little girl will be dressed like sherbert ice cream with all these pastels I've bought her! I'm trying to buy 3-6 months, but I'm not really sure what sizes I should be buying. If I buy 12 months, will she use it next summer or fit into it early and it fits during the wintertime? I feel like child/baby sizes tend to be smaller than what they truly wear- almost like adult vanity sizing. Also, I've been trying to find something to bring her home in and have no clue what size to buy. My mother said I didn't fit into anything newborn if it was a one piece because I was too long, and then started laughing and said no socks fit me either and she had to buy bigger ones because my feet were (and still are) so big. Thanks mom. What sizing do you suggest?


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Recent Purchases + Randoms

This past weekend was a long one so the hubs and I took advantage of getting things picked up for baby girl. We ran all around town shopping and checking things out in person. It was a lot of fun and nice to have the extra day off to relax.This past Saturday was also his sister's bridal shower which turned out gorgeous! I'll be sure to post some pics of all the decorations.
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Graco Lauren 4-in-1 Convertible Crib - White

I've been looking for a gender neutral crib in white from day 1. I know that this bed is convertible, but we won't convert it into a full bed until our last baby so I wanted a crib I could use for all of our children (we want 3-4). I figure, by the time our little one is ready for a full bed, we'll be pregnant with the next child and I'd rather buy her a real bed with matching furniture than buy a 2nd crib. Mommies, do you agree?

I found this online at Target and it had 4.5 stars with 62 reviews, but the shipping was outrageous. Now, I don't consider myself a "cheap" person, but I loathe paying for shipping and handling. I think that if you're spending XX amount of dollars, you should have free shipping. I don't mine a small, flat rate shipping regardless of what you order either. I also think that when you're buying from a gigantic chain you should be able to have it shipped to store at no charge for pickup. After googling the crib and shopping around online, we ended up buying it from Wal-Mart at a better price and free shipping! Take that Target. You can find it here at Wal-Mart.

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HEMNES 8 Drawer Dresser

Another thing I've looked all over for was a nice dresser I could use as a changing table. I saw this Hemnes dresser from IKEA (buy it here) on Pinterest and fell in love. I imagined taking out the top four drawers and putting in wicker baskets, but the bottom of the drawers are open between each row so that wouldn't work. When we put it together, we're gonna see if maybe there's a way to put a thin piece of wood to close out each wood so my wicker basket dream could work, but I'm not sweating it. I also plan on changing the knobs into something more feminine. The dresser is white with high gloss and it's so pretty! I was pretty apprehensive about buying a dresser from IKEA, but I couldn't find another dresser I liked anywhere. Not in store, at furniture places, online, etc. So I just bit the bullet. It seemed really sturdy in store and the drawers slid in and out really easily and were really deep, which I need in a dresser. I searched for reviews online and found nearly all positive reviews, so I feel better about the purchase.

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Our biggest purchase this weekend was the Canon Eos Rebel T3i!! We've been wanting a nice camera for a long time and had talked about how we need to get one before the baby is born and we picked it up this weekend from Costco. They had a great deal going and we couldn't pass it up. Now I just need to learn how to use the dang thing...

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Urban Black Chevron Baby Car Seat Cover 

On our registry, we picked out the new Graco SnugRide Click Connect 40 Infant Car Seat and the Graco Modes Click Connect Stroller, but they don't match! They're the newest in the Graco line and I love the features they both offer (I'll post more about them later in a registry post) so I couldn't pass them up. I found a super cute cover though from Etsy Shop hipncozy, you can buy the one I got here. I'm sure a cover is going to be so useful in keeping the car seat clean, it's removable and can be washed in the washing machine. We plan on using this car seat with our future children, so I want to keep it in the best condition possible. Since the car seat we have goes from infancy to 2 years old, I was worried the cover may not fit so I messaged Becky and she got back to me right away. I love great customer service like that! Can't wait to get this baby in and check it out with our car seat and stroller.

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Baby Girl Light Gray and Purple Damask and Polka Dot Stuffed Elephant 

I've been looking at this cute stuffed elephant since we found out we were having a girl. I just love it! I feature the Etsy shop Luna and Bean on my Etsy Spolight post a few weeks ago. The colors, that it's handmade, and that you can personalize just had me sold right away. I kept going back and forth between this gray and purple one (buy it here) or the bright pink chevron with gray ears...or just picking out the fabric myself. Can't wait to add this little gem to the nursery!

I've picked up a few other things we needed for the house like a tp holder, serving platter, etc. Every time I walk into a Home Goods shop, I want to spend my whole paycheck! They have the best stuff for the home, and if it's a TJ Maxx Home Goods, they have the cutest baby clothes! I wanted to buy Baby L enough clothes for like 5 years. 
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I picked up this Conair Volume Hairsetter from Ulta. I've been wanting to try a hot roller set for a while, I'm hoping I get more volume from using it. It takes me like 0 min to do my hair in the morning, but on some days my hair is just super flat, even with dry shampoo and teasing, the volume just doesn't last throughout the day. I'll be sure to do a review on how I like the rollers.
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Then I picked up NYX Sugar Pie gloss (I blogged about it on my Beauty Wishlist) and Sally Hansen's Pacific Blue. I saw the color on InstaGram (I can't find the pic now :/ ) and fell in love with the fun bright color.

I finally watched the season finale of Downton Abbey and I'm so sad! I love that each episode is a full hour long, but hate that a season is only 7 episodes. I knew what would happen during this season because of a spoiler I read, so although I didn't know details, I knew what to expect. I don't want to give anything away in case you're not caught up though!

Another show I'm obsessed with is The Following on Fox with Kevin Bacon. It's amazing! It's thrilling, scary, and twists with every episode. Plus, Kevin Bacon has aged really well, I like! The acting is also really good, and I love the mom's hair. It's the perfect color and cut!
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See? It's the perfect color of dirty blonde. 

I think I'm going to go a bit lighter at my next hair appointment. I really miss my blonde hair, but it's so high maintenance and I don't want to have to worry about roots every 10 weeks once the baby is here. I've been collecting some pics of colors I like that should be low maintenance, I'll be sure to do a post about them soon. 

Oh, and I've started taking some pics of the apartment so I'll be sure to do a post about the new place soon!

Hope you all have a great rest of your week, happy hump day!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Ask Me Anything Reveal

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The questions are in and here are my answers from this previous post. This was so much fun! I loved all the questions that were asked!

Meg. O: What's your beauty routine when you're in a hurry?
I don’t mind not wearing make-up (as you may know from this post) as long as my hair is done, but at the bare minimum I will use my MAC Studio Fix powder, mascara, and blush. That gives me enough of a “face” to be happy with the results. The powder helps with shine and evening out my skin tone, mascara makes my eyes pop, and blush adds some color. If I have the time, I’ll use some bronzer too.

Love jenny xoxo: How do you feel about your baby bump? I feel like I'm always comparing and wondering if I'm normal... is that normal?! :)
Based on my body type, I knew I would start to show soon. The length of my waist between my last rib and the top of my hip is maybe 2 inches, so I have nowhere for the baby to go, but out! In the beginning, I was a bit self conscious of my bump, that maybe I was showing too soon. My stomach is really the only part of my body I’m self-conscious of because I’ve always had a bit of a belly (even at 108lbs in high school and I’m 5’8”). One thing that I did when my bump first appeared is check out the week-by-week section at The Bump and you can see where you are at with the pregnancy, where your baby’s growth is, etc. In that same section, you can see pictures of other women at the same week as you and check out their bumps. When I saw how varied each woman was carrying and showing, I never compared myself again to other pregnant women. Some women hardly show at all, some women looked like myself, and other women had larger bumps than me. Each woman and each pregnancy is different. Everything is pretty much normal in pregnancy, just not everyone experiences it. Nausea is normal, but I never had any nausea during my pregnancy. Now, I love my bump, although getting dressed and shopping is more of a task, I feel more feminine and part of a little club now that my bump is all on display.

Frances: What is your favorite thing about being pregnant? Are you afraid of giving birth?
My favorite thing about being pregnant is feeling our little girl move. It’s the most thrilling part! Even though I can feel her from inside, I like to put my hands on my bump to feel her from the outside too. I can’t wait to meet her, hold her, and give her kisses. This is the most joyful time of my life and I’m thrilled Matt and I are starting our family.

Do you have a birth plan yet?
My birth plan is really simple: Do not die.

I know that giving birth can’t be planned out, and I’ve heard from so many mothers that their birth plans didn’t go as planned or follow what they thought would be their delivery. I just want to go with the flow and communicate with my doctor about what are options are at the time a crisis may arise. One thing I know for sure is that I want an epidural. I think I may die without it.

That’s it really. I’ve started just recently to do more reading into having a birth plan, and I have things for the baby like for her to be fed breast milk only, no formula or pacifiers, and to have her vaccinations spread out. I’m researching more about other things baby-wise that Matt and I will decide together.

Are you afraid of giving birth?
I’m sure my above birth plan gave it away with my fear of death, so yes, I am afraid of giving birth. I know women do this every day and have done so since the dawn of time, but it still scares me. I pray every day that my delivery goes smoothly and our baby girl is healthy. Any mommies out there with tips?

Carolyn: What are you most looking forward to about parenthood?
There’s so much I’m looking forward to! Loving her, supporting her, spending time with her, and teaching her to be a strong, independent, and loving woman. Seeing the world through her eyes and experiencing things for the first time with her, watching movies, waiting for Santa, the kindness that's embedded in children before the world shows them it's ugly side. I want to give my children the childhood I didn’t have. I want them to feel loved and have a home that’s safe, stable, and a place that they want to be.

What scares you the most about parenthood?
Parenting is scary in general. There’s no perfect child or perfect parent. It’s a job that’s filled with guilt because what works for one doesn’t work for the next. I believe each person takes the good from their own childhood and add whatever they needed themselves as a child and tries to leave out the bad. I’m just scared of not being the parent she needs me to be and not realizing it in time. I guess it’s really trial and error and good communication. Also, it scares me about what she’ll experience in the world that I can’t control, like bullying, heartache, things of that nature.

What is your FAVORITE beauty item? Only one! :)
Mascara! It’s a Godsend. It’s something that looks great on everyone regardless of eye shape and makes the biggest difference to my overall look.

What's been the biggest adjustment for you since becoming pregnant? 
All the food you can’t eat! The soft cheeses, rare meats, salami, eating seafood more than once a week, etc have been the hardest. It’s so crazy how much food you can’t eat nowadays. In one way it’s good, there’s so much more processed food than in years before and we know so much more about how the food we eat affect our pregnancies and babies. Still, that list of do not eat is ridiculously long!

Do you have names picked out? Are you telling them?
We do have our name and middle name picked out and had it before we even started trying! We are telling people what her name will be, but not on any social media. We want there to be some surprise. So I'm sorry, but you'll have to wait!

Mindi: What are your fave hair and skin products lately? 
My favorite hair product I've used recently is Redken Guts 10 Volume Spray Foam. This gets amazing body without weighing your head down or being too heavy and forcing you to wash your hair the next day after using it.  For skin care, I'm in love the Ormedic organic line I reviewed here. It's the most amazing products I've used and have made a huge difference in my skin.

What is your go to style lately with being pregnant? Where are the OOTD pregnant pics? lol 
I've really just been wearing the same outfits as before, but now I'm wearing only my maternity jeans or my Kiki La'Rue jeggings. Luckily, most of my shirts were loose and long so they're going easy into maternity wardrobe.  My shift has been kind of wonky at work recently because I was training a new incoming class, but I'm back to my regular shift and will start to get off even earlier in two weeks so the hubs will be able to snap some pics now! I promise I'll have some more OOTD pics soon!

ooh and I am still waiting to see you wearing your glasses! lol 
I know! I need to get a pic of them! I just rarely wear my glasses, but I do love the new ones I picked up last fall. 

Thank you again for everyone that had a question! I love doing these posts and seeing them on other blogs. I think it gives you more insight to the blogger and a chance to ask a question you don't know the answer to yet from their posts. If anyone thinks of another question(s) ask me below and I'll update this post!
I got a late question, from Pamela: I wanted to ask if you read any books pre-conception. There are a million of them out there and I want to delve into them but it's all so overwhelming! 

I actually didn't read anything while trying to get pregnant, I had thought about picking up some books before we started trying, but I felt like I was jinxing myself. I figured I would start reading something after our first month of trying, I also didn't want to put too much pressure on myself either. I was very blessed in getting pregnant right away, so I never had the chance to read anything before hand. Veronika from Veronika's Blushing has read several books that she has posted about on her blog, some of them are on my list of to-read too now!

Monday, February 18, 2013

My Beauty Wishlist

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L'Oreal Colour Riche Caresse Wet Shine Stain- Pink Perseverance
NYX Lip Liner- Nude Beige / NYX Mega Shine Lip Gloss- Sugar Pie
Fresh Sugar- Sugar Petal Tinted / Neutrogena Revitalizing Lip Balm SPF 20- Healthy Blush 
Revlon ColorBurst Lip Butter- Raspberry Pie / L'Oreal Colour Riche LeGloss Lip Gloss- Baby Blossom
Essie 2013 Spring Collection in Bond with Whomever, Madison Ave-hue, and Go Ginza
Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure- Café Au Lait / Urban Decay Naked Basics Palette

I use my Notes App on my IPhone to keep track of makeup I want to check out as I come across it on blogs, Pinterest, InstaGram, at the store, in magazines etc. See my list for yourself:
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Then whenever I get the chance to check them out in real life, I can remember the brand and color. This list is seriously just a partial list. I had a longer list on my old phone before the switch to the cool kid club. Not everything on the list works out once I see it in person, or is too similar to something I already own, but I like trying new products and colors and this has been a great way in helping me to remember what I want. Surely, I'm not the only who does this??

Have you tried any of these products? Are they worth purchasing? Let me know!

PS Yes, I realize I need another polish or lip product (or eyeshadow for that matter) like I need a hole in the head. 

Friday, February 15, 2013

Hot Man Parade

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So, which is more important to you to have done and why?

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Also, I'm doing another Q and A so be sure to check out this post and comment with any questions you have for me! The post will be up next week!