
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Baby Registry Items

A few weeks ago, my Mother-in-law and I finished my baby registry at Babies R Us and it was so much fun! When my husband and I did our wedding registry I hated it. I would poop out after 45 minutes, find a chair to relax in, and would tell him to scan whatever the heck he wanted. We just needed so much and I didn’t know where we’d be living, what we would really need, etc. I was expecting for the baby registry to be the same way since I’ve never had a baby before and there is so much preference involved. What one baby/mother prefer the next one hates. I trudged on though, and we had a great time going through the aisles and reading reviews on the Babies R Us scanner (which was super helpful).
I had started my registry online, there were a few items I knew I wanted and then I reviewed some of my friends/family registries, reviewed blog posts I had saved, and searched Pinterest for must-have items as well. Here’s are some of the bigger/most needed items I registered for:

 photo RegistryBlend1_zps89fa3bf1.jpg

Now, what I want to know what is your take on the baby registry? What is a must have, what can I skip? What did you wish you registered for but didn’t and had to buy it down the road. Please spill! 


  1. I'm going to be doing the registry thing soon, so I don't have much advice but I look forward to finding out what people recommend!

    {love jenny xoxo}

  2. OH MAN! I'm totally pinning this for when we do our registry!!!

  3. This is a great start! We have that same swing and it's awesome. Totally agree about adding Sophie the giraffe! I would skip the wipe warmer...don't need it. Also think about getting the bumbo in a gender neutral color so that you can use it for multiple babies! We also love our jumperoo and aden and anasis swaddle blankets.

  4. The swing is a lifesaver!

  5. The video monitor and the sound machine are a must. My favorite item hands down was the Fisher Price Rock N Play Sleeper. It is the one thing I tell every friend to get. I agree about skipping the wipes warmer.

    We had a Graco carseat, but it only went up to 30 pounds. We stopped getting it out of the car before my son was 20 pounds because it was way too heavy and awkward to carry anywhere. I am guessing it is bigger in size so I also would make sure that it fits in your car. Our Snugride 30 barely fit in our small SUV.

  6. I have the same swing and humidifier, they're great. The wipe warmer is a bit of a disappointment because it doesn't warm them up that much and you have to make sure most of the wipe is tucked inside otherwise it's cold. The Born Free bottles seem to give her gas and even the level one nipple seems to be too strong of a flow for her so I swear by Dr. Brown's bottles.

  7. great stuff girly!!!! all of the snug-a-bunny stuff is AWESOME! we have the rocker & bouncer. we decided not to get a wipe warmer because i had a friend whose baby would scream bloody murder getting a diaper change anywhere but home because the wipes weren't warm (but that could just be her weirdo kid). we did get a bottle warmer though, which i never thought we'd use and it's probably our most used baby item!

  8. We love the snug a bunny swing and the bumbo! I have a monthly necessity list in my blog if it helps! I had my baby boy 4 months ago!

  9. Triple what everyone already said about the wipes warmer - it's not something you want to be fussing with or getting your baby accustomed to.

    Trying to think what was essential for the twins....
    -muslin cloths
    -bouncy chair (fisher price one)
    -pack n play
    -pampers swaddler diapers
    -water wipes (for the first few days/weeks when you don't want to use the regular wipes on their delicate skin)
    -Dr Brown bottles
    -Gymini (this was essential!!! I had 2)

    What I bought but didn't need:
    -special bathing seat for the bathtub and special soft sided mug for washing their hair.

    That's all I can think of for the first stage - but it was all such a haze back then LOL!

  10. All are perfect, we really like sofie starting at 3+months, activity mat & onesies with zippers, they are a life saver when you have to change them in the middle of the night!

  11. Oh i totally forgot, velcro swaddlers, they can't break out of them!

  12. You are spot on with a lot of your selections - we used a lot of the same brands and products and definitely are can't-live-withouts. One thing that we skipped was the wipes warmer; we never needed it. And a brand that we love that served as multiple items were Aden +Anais swaddles; we used them for swaddles, burb clothes, blankets and still use them even now that peanut is 1.

  13. I'd say you dont need the warmer, its just something else to fuss over. Also, you dont need the nasal aspirator, they give you one at the hospiotal! We've only used ours a few times!

    The swing is the BEST INVENTION ever. My son loves his SO much, he slept in it all the time and still does! (he is 3 months)

    Also, a must for us was multiple car seat bases. One for each car- The last thing you want to worry about is schelping the base from car to car!!!!!
    Hope this helps some!

  14. OH I forgot! Most of the video monitors have music in them.....So you might not have to get the sound machine. We use the music in our video monitor all the time!

    You need a good pump with a handsfree bra,a good bottle warmer too, TONS of spit up cloths, zip up onesies!


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