
Thursday, January 29, 2015

Valentine Goodies for your Babies

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Valentine Mouse - I love these book series, they're one of my favorite sets
Bow Clip Set - We have the headband set and now that Ellie's hair is long enough for a tiny ponytail, she's all about clip in bows and enjoys picking one out each morning.
Love is You and Me - we were gifted this book last year from a dear friend and it's such a sweet message
Bath Crayons - Ellie loves these and we're ready for a new set
Pajamas - how cute are these pjs? Love them!
Tinkerbell Movie - I'm so glad a new movie is out! We've seen all of the fairy movies too many times to count

Every year growing up, my mom always gave my sister and I something small to celebrate and it was always so sweet. I remember one year she got me a white purse with multicolored hearts and pink piping and I absolutely loved it. I used it for years and years and remember it like yesterday when I came home from school and it was on the table waiting for me. I'd like to keep the tradition going with my own children and want to give Ellie something small every year (last year she got socks and two books) and here are some ideas I'm thinking about this year.

What are your plans for the big day of love and chocolate?

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Motherhood's Surpises

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"The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. The mother is something absolutely new" - Rajneesh

Becoming a mother is exhilarating, scary, amazing, and hair pulling crazy. I've played house since I first understood free play and I played it for years. I couldn't wait to have a family of my own, a baby to hold, soccer games to attend, nails to paint, boo boos to be kissed, and cuddles to be had. There's lots of surprises that comes with having a child, body fluid where? How do I...? Is this enough? Did that really just happen? Nothing will surprise you as much as the changes in yourself and lifestyle and the surprises you find about yourself. Here are a few of the many surprises for me. 

- I’m much more laid back than I had expected to be

When I pictured myself as a mother, I figured I’d be neurotic and worry about every little detail. My mother was like that- over protective and worried. It drove me bat $#@! Crazy. It still does because she’s still like that. I didn’t want to be like that, but I thought like mother like daughter right? Wrong! Yes, of course I worry about Ellie, the first few months I was a total worry wart. Now, of course I want to protect her from bad life experiences and I’m detail oriented about her, but not to the extremes. I want to teach her to be resilient, strong, that it’s OK to have emotions and show them. When she falls or gets a black eye (she’s had more than one) I don’t rush over to her right away, I let her decide how bad it is. I put on a strong face when it scares me so I don’t scare her. I'm not completely laid back, but I'm not as crazy strict about every detail either. I've found a nice medium that works for us.

-The value of personal time

The loss of personal/alone time nearly vanishes when you become a mother. It’s one thing I tell expectant mothers to relish in with their last impending months. Sometimes, the only time I’m alone is when using the restroom at work (and no one is in the next stall) and my late night shower. That’s it! Even then I’m still doing “business”. Sometimes, when I have days off, I’ll still take Ellie to daycare for a few hours to keep her in her routine and to get some time for myself. I’ll give myself a pedicure, do house chores that are hard to accomplish with a toddler around, run errands, etc. I love the time I have with her and I really do live in the moment and shower her with attention and affection, but sometimes... it's nice to watch an entire episode of Downton Abbey by myself. In bed. With a bag of hot Cheetos.

-Setting an Example

Even though Ellie is small and doesn’t understand everything we do as her parents, I’m always aware of the example I’m setting for her. To dress appropriately in respect to myself and my husband, to attend church, not to cuss, to be honest/kind/generous/loving, the list goes on and on. I told Matt one day that I wanted to start working out and he was excited for me, and I had to explain that I didn’t actually want to work out. Huh? I wanted to work out to set the example for Ellie to take care of herself and to treat her body well (I’m still working on this as I have worked out 0 times since giving birth). This battle is only going to get harder as she's more aware of my actions and how much of an influence I become to her.

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Becoming a parent surprises you, whether or not you think or expect it to. It's not easy and and there's no right or wrong way to do it. Every child is different so what works for one may not work for the other. I pour over parenting books and articles, I talk to tons of parents I admire and I'm always trying to remember and incorporate things I've learned into our everyday life. I love being a mom and the curve balls and surprises it throws at me.

What are some surprises becoming a parent have you had?

Friday, January 23, 2015

White Plum Giveaway!

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One shop I love is White Plum, this dolman top is especially soft and perfect for a day spent outside with family watching football (which is what we did Sunday!). I've worn it another time since last week because it's just so easy to wear and look pulled together. I have several items from White Plum, one of my favorites has to be this shirt and my gray cardigan - I'm wearing it now even.

Enter to win a shop credit of $50 down below! The contest will run from Friday the 23rd through the 30th. White Plum is also offering all my readers a great discount code LIPSTICK25 for 25% off until 1/30.Here are some pieces I'm loving that's perfect for spring; plum dress, cobalt dress, and asymmetrical top.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Weekend Recap (that's ridiculously late)

So, I realize that I'm writing about our weekend on you know, Wednesday of the following week. We had Monday off and I started writing the post, but unfortunately I fell asleep. Then Tuesday, on my way to drop Ellie off at daycare, she got sick all over herself and the car seat and I spent any free time that day nursing her and cleaning her car seat off. By the way, it still smells and I've been googling how to get vomit scent from fabric. Super fun stuff going on over here folks! Anyways, I hope you enjoy our recap.

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This last weekend we had so much fun! Saturday was our first night away from Ellie (she slept over with her cousin at Nana and Papa's). Matt and I went on a triple date out to Texas Roadhouse and then out for some frozen yogurt afterwards. We all talked and talked and talked for hours. It was so nice (and weird) to be out with adults and not rush home to Ellie. Usually on our date nights, we rush home because we miss her and want to see her.  Dinner and a movie? We usually just make it to one. We're totally those parents, which I'm ok with.

Then, in the morning we stayed in bed extra long since there was no one wanting milk and repeating "Mom, mom, mom, mom, mom. Mine, mine, mine, miiiiiiiiiiiine". Matt and I didn't know what to do with ourselves. We tried to think about what we would do if we didn't have Ellie or remember what we did before her and we drew a blank. All we realized was how bored we would be without her and how much more money we would have. She's totally made us awesome.

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We were reunited Sunday for some football and I couldn't stop staring at her. She was gone one night and returned back to me older and bigger. What the heck. She was huge and seemed heavier than when we dropped her off! Thankfully, the weather was gorgeous and we snacked and watched the game on the back patio and that was enough to distract me. It was so nice to be outside and catch up with family. On our drive home, Ellie passed out. We had to make a quick run to Target and she slept on me the entire trip. I loved being able to hold her and snuggled her all night.

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Monday we were up bright and early and headed out to the park. She has absolutely no fear and plays at the big kid side. She was a little apprehensive of this bridge, but then just started tearing straight through it. Afterwards, we did some stuff around the house and had my cousin and his family over. We seriously spent all weekend outside and I loved it. I can't wait for warmer weather and spending the weekends outside with my family. It's so much fun, it's free, and it's one of my favorite ways to make memories together.

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I posted this on Monday, but my cousins used this window pane in their wedding as their seating chart and generously gave it to me. I have several ideas running through my head about what to do with it, but I'm still unsure. I want to hang it in our formal living room above the larger couch, but I don't know how to decorate it. I'm thinking a cursive L and a wreath to add some color? Maybe put some family pics in it? Let me know if you have any ideas!

How was your weekend?

Friday, January 16, 2015

Recent Faves

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sunnies // pave earrings (from Olive + Piper, sold out, identical here) // pearl earrings
hot pink gloss: Revlon Pink Ruby (more down below!) // light pink lips: MAC Creme Cup Lipstick & Angel LipGlass

Ever since this trend post back in July, I’ve been obsessed with both double stud and cuff earrings. I put it on my Christmas wishlist for my family’s Secret Santa and they totally came through with this gorgeous pair of 360 Pave Double Studs from Olive + Piper. Then this past week during my break and usual trip to Target, I found the double pearl earrings in their jewelry section. Score! I had been wanting a pair for a while, but they were always gone before I could check out (Jane has had them on sale several times,for as low as $2.99!). I love the versatility of the earrings, you can mix and match with other stud earrings to create a different look. These studs are so easy to wear and add a touch of edge to any outfit.

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Painting Ellie's toes!

For the first time, I finally painted Ellie's toes a few weeks ago. I have no idea why I waited so long, there was no reason or rhyme for it. She loved having her toes painted and keeps looking at them and showing everyone. I tried to get a cute after picture, but she wouldn't stand still. Even now, weeks later. I can't wait to paint them again, it's so much fun being a girl mama (I'm sure boy mamas have just as much fun though!).

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White Plum had an awesome flash sale for $2.99 and I had never really worn boot cuffs before, but I absolutely love these! I’ve bought a few boot socks in the past and they never fit right or are tall enough for my boots! It’s so frustrating, so I kind of gave up on them. Hello boot cuffs! These are great and I love that since they’re not socks, you can adjust them to any height. I was kind of worried that they would ride up if I wore them over my socks, but it wasn’t an issue. Win-win!

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Revlon’s HD Lip Laquer in Pink Ruby

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This month’s People StyleWatch (the one with Taylor Swift on the cover) featured Revlon’s new lip gloss in Pink Ruby so I snagged that too on my weekly Target run. Oh my word. I’ve never in my life seen such a pigmented gloss before. It’s like a lipstick with some shimmer and lasted all day long. I only re-applied once (my biggest lipstick downfall) and it left a gorgeous stain. I had several clients and co-workers compliment the gloss and the hubs wants me to wear it this weekend for a triple date we have planned. I seriously want to go buy more shades, I want to snag Tourmaline (a great Barbie pink) and Pink Sapphire (a baby soft pink) as well, but my Target was sold out of both. You can check out some swatches here. The only hang up, is the gloss isn’t very moisturizing or slick/wet. That’s not a deal breaker for me, but did want to let you all know. Side note, anyone else take pics of stuff they see and want to check out? I do it all the time so I don't forget.

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These bras are one of my favorite ever. I love to wear them just at home and to sleep in. Ready for some TMI? I used to be one of the girls that whipped my bra off the minute I came home, but since being pregnant and nursing for 14 months and having to wear a bra 24/7 I can't stand not to sleep in one now. Isn't it crazy? I know, I'm aware. These bras are super comfortable and thin (I can't imagine working out in them other than for yoga and maybe pilates though). If you're looking for something like this, snag it! Plus, I love the fun bright colors.

What are some of your recent favorites/purchases?

Hope you have a fantastic weekend! What are your plans?

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Product Review: Sally Hansen Miracle Gel Nail Polish

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When it comes to nail polish, we all know how much I love it. I always have my nails painted and in the few times I don’t, someone always comments about it. It’s just a little fun I like to treat myself to, a late night mani after Ellie’s in bed. I try to paint my nails once a week and the last time I had them done at a salon was the day before my scheduled c-section with Ellie (wow, that was almost 2 years ago!). The girls at work told me that a customer came in with a gel mani that was from Sally Hansen and talked about how great it looked. We were all on the hunt to get our hands on it, but the top layer was always sold out! In the meantime, I kept seeing it in magazines with top reviews so I was super happy to find a polish and top coat together in a pack.

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The starter pack I bought came with the Gel Top Coat and Shock Wave, a fun bright Barbie pink. I couldn’t wait to try it out and see if it lasted the full 14 days like promised. Sally Hansen is one of my favorites polish brands, they’re polishes are part of the 3 free formulas (meaning they do not contain formaldehyde, toluene and dibutyl phthalate) and their polish lasts just as long or longer than higher end brands like OPI or Essie. Plus, I find a lot of dupes at a better price with Sally Hansen.

Here are some of my first impressions:

-The brush is the same as their other Salon Manicure polish, which I like. It’s a fat bristle that makes it easy to cover the nail quickly.
-The polish is a little thin, but is not streaky and looks great with two coats.
-The Gel Top Coat has a very strong scent, like open all the windows and maybe-you-shouldn’t-paint-around-young-children-or-expectant-mothers strong of a scent.
-The top coat dries quickly, but it’s also thin and not very shiny. I was expecting a better top coat from it, similar to professional gel treatments or at least the equivalent to my Holy Grail Seche Vite top coat.

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3 Days Later

So how long did my perfectly pink manicure last? A whopping 3 days. I was pretty disappointed that they chipped so quickly. Typically when I use their polish and Seche Vite top coat together, I can go 5 days before a chip. By day 7 my nails looked thrashed, ragged, and half gone on a nail or two. Initially, I wanted to buy a bunch of different colors and I’m glad I waited. I don’t plan on buying this polish again and I hope they update their formula because I really think it’s below their brand. I do want to try the polish and top coat again, but top it off with Seche Vite to see if it will last.

Have you tried a gel manicure at home? What brand and how did it go?

Monday, January 12, 2015

Our Weekend

First I want to say thank you so much for all your beautiful comments from Our Birth Story post. I loved hearing from you guys on FB, Instagram, and on the post. I love this community and I'm so happy to have finally shared such a special day with us. I can't believe it took me so long to put it together! 

I had this Saturday off and I was looking forward to it all week! Ellie came down with a pretty nasty cold during the week and I caught it and I've been waiting to sleep in all week. I've been so tired and going to bed early. Poor Ellie hasn't been able to sleep well at night and has been waking up 2-3 times almost every night so Matt and I are crazy tired. We're all better now, Ellie has a runny nose, but her cough is just about gone and she's sleeping through the night again (PTL).

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Cardi (on sale now!) // Top // Jeans // Flats (old Steve Madden, similar here)
Saturday morning we slept in to 649am which is still great for us (Matt usually wakes up about 4 and I wake up at 545-6) and we were up and out the door to meet his parents for breakfast. It was so much fun getting out of the house and meeting up with them. We used to live around the corner from them and it was always great to get together all the time. We still see them often, but I miss having them less than a mile from us. We promised that we would meet halfway at least once a month and try new restaurants and cafes. After breakfast, we all went shopping at a local outdoor mall for a few stores before the rain came down.

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Floral Top (in store, but found the maternity version online here) // Heart Tunic 
We stopped at Old Navy and they had the cutest stuff for toddlers. Usually I think they have better stuff for toddler boys than girls, but oh my word they have some cute stuff for girls right now. I snagged this adorable heart tunic for Ellie for Valentines day. I also plan on getting her these floral jeans, yellow polka dot jeans, and chambray tunic for spring. I also picked up this top for spring for myself. I bought a large without trying it on because they were out of mediums, but it's a bit too big. I couldn't find it online (except for the maternity version of course) so I'm going to see if I can find it at a different store. I love the color combos and it's so different from anything I own.

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When we got home, we went back to pajamas and slippers as soon as we walked in the door. Then Ellie and I both took a nap and it was glorious. Naps are so underrated and I wish I had time to take a nap every weekend.

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After nap time, I relaxed some more and finally watched The Holiday (well I had to finish it yesterday) for the first time. It's one of my sister's favorites and I had never seen the whole thing! Isn't that crazy? It was so good though, I really enjoyed it. After that, we had dinner as a family and did some house cleaning. Super exciting Saturday night around these parts.

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Sunday morning I stuck with a New Year's resolution and got to it in the kitchen with some crepes for breakfast (while on the topic of resolutions, I also cleaned out the fridge). They turned out great and was really easy to make (I used this recipe). It was a nice change of pace from our usual breakfasts (eggs/spam, pancakes, chorizo). Matt went all out for dinner and baked a turkey and made gravy for the first time. He's a freaking champ and is so awesome. They both turned out delicious, especially the gravy. I'm such a gravy snob because my mom makes the best ever so I'm super judgy of gravy, but his passed the test.

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We used the Hershey's Spread with Almond instead of Nutella. It wasn't as delicious as Nutella, but still pretty good. Yes, I realize Nutella is with hazelnut and I thought I bought the hazelnut version of Hershey's, but I guess I didn't. Nutella is easier to spread and is creamier.As a snack last night I had it with some sliced apples and it was bomb. Even still, I think I'll buy the real stuff next time.

Hope you all had a great weekend! I have a fun polish review for tomorrow!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Our Birth Story

This post has been such a long time coming. I've written and re-written several parts and have decided to start off the new year on a post that means so much to me. I'm sorry it's a million years late, I had a beautiful birth experience and decided to finally sit down and finish the post. I initially shared our big day in just pictures that you can read here.The day I became a mother and Matt and I added to our family was so special and I could have written this post a hundred different ways and I still wouldn't be able to fully express in words how our day really was. How much fear, excitement, joy, and love was filled in each moment would be impossible to share. So I did my best and I hope you enjoy it.
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Our little bunny had been Frank Breech since our Week 26 appointment and by the end of my pregnancy, I gave up all hope she would flip. I just felt that she had been in that position for too long for her to turn and that by the end she was just too big to even be able to. So a c-section was planned for the end of May on the 29th, just a day before my 39 week mark.

Once I knew a c/s was certain, I did my homework. I wanted to learn as much as I could so I knew what to expect, what questions to ask beforehand, and what options I would have. Thankfully, so many of you reached out to me and I was able to get a lot of one-on-one talk from ladies to prepare for the big day.

The weekend before we had tons of celebrations going on, but I was still able to get everything taken care of that needed to be done. My husband and I deep cleaned our home so it would be nice and pretty for our return, cleaned out our fridge and stocked up on non-perishable food, did all of the laundry, and packed our hospital bags (see what I used here).

The day before our c/s I had my pre-op appointment where I met with my doctor, had tests run to be sure I was ok for surgery, then I ran some last minute errands, and relaxed before Matt came home. Once he got home we hung out for a while and then went out for a nice sushi dinner. I thought I would have anxiety and not be able to sleep, and we were really excited, but somehow we conked out and I slept just fine. I did wake up a few times because I was thirsty, but that was a lost cause since I couldn't drink anything before surgery.

I had set my alarm for 6 am, but woke up at 530 wide awake, excited, and had to force myself to relax in bed until my alarm went off. It was baby day!! In a matter of mere hours I'd have my little girl in my arms to love and kiss for the rest of our lives. I prayed that morning that I would be brave and unafraid, that the procedure wouldn't have any complications, and that all the nurses and doctors had a good nights rest and were ready to rock and roll. Saying I was excited is an understatement.

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We took one last bump pic and met Matt's parents at the hospital. It was go time! We checked in, got the IV started (which totally pinched), and the doctors and nurses went over everything with me. There were only a few things I was nervous about, getting my spinal, being nauseous, and the pain after the good meds wore off. I almost lost my cool when the anesthesiologist went over her duties, she was super nice, but her words like "pinch" and "burning" were standing out too much for me, but I just thought to myself "if I lose it now, there's no going back" so I choked back my fear and tears. Once I was packed with fluids, deemed safe for surgery, and was ready for the spinal, I kissed my family and headed into the surgical room for the final steps.

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For the spinal, Matt had to wait outside (he used that time to record a sweet message for little Eleanor) and the anesthesiologist walked me through each step as they were happening, it was a little pinch in my back, then instead of a burning sensation I just felt a luke warm feeling enter my body and then warm up my bottom, legs, and feet. I was expecting the burning to start soon so I asked if that was it and she laughed saying no one had ever asked her that before and we were all done. It was a total breeze! Getting my IV was worse! Ok, first fear tackled.

Once the spinal was administered I had to lay down pretty quickly, which my doctor and the nurses helped with, I instantly went numb and they checked me to see what I could feel- which was nothing! Every time they touched me, it tingled- almost tickled even! I remember thinking to myself that this would be easy and I didn't have to be afraid of anything.

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At that time, Matt was able to join me in the room and he had me record a message for Ellie too and then stood by my side as the surgery progressed.Within minutes our little girl was delivered and the doctor held her upside down over the curtain so I could see her. She was beautiful. So many thoughts and feelings rushed to the surface, loving someone for so long without even knowing them and the amount of love you feel the minute they arrive is truly overwhelming. I just loved her. Words cannot express enough the moment of happiness in that moment and the moments after. Once I saw her, the nurses took over and got her all cleaned up. Matt went over there to see her and take pictures and was walking me through everything that was happening since I couldn't see her over the c/s curtain. Once she was ready, they held her next to my face and I got to kiss and really see her then. It was amazing.

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"My cup runneth over" was in the back of my mind. You already love the baby inside you, but seeing and holding them for the first time is nothing I imagined, the love you feel is so great. I just kept telling her how much I loved her and how happy she made me. I cried a little bit, but I was mostly overjoyed so much that I didn't have time to cry. I wanted to see my child and not have a blurred vision of her through my tears.

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Once I was all stitched up they transferred me to a bed and into the recovery room where I nursed Ellie for the full hour. She latched on right away and we had a great experience. It was such a huge moment and the bond we made was beautiful. Matt and I couldn't stop staring at her. We just kept talking about her and how she just belonged with us. Neither of us could remember our lives before her. It's so strange that she had only arrived an hour or so beforehand, but it was as if she had always been a part of us. After an hour, when I could move some toes on my right foot, I was moved into my hospital room.

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There, we had our families come and visit and we got to show off Ellie. I couldn't move or feel my legs for several hours and felt no pain in my waist at all. In fact, I really just felt fantastic! I didn't feel like I had just given birth or had major surgery just that day. It was hard not being able to see everything up close that was going on with Ellie, like her first bath, being able to change her, or pick her up since I was stuck to the bed, but Matt was there and took lots of pictures and talked me through everything that he and she was doing.

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Once everyone left, I stayed up the entire night just holding her. She is everything I could have imagined and truly made me the happiest I have ever been. All of my dreams came true when she arrived. I'm married to a wonderful man and now we have our own family. I have never felt so fulfilled and blessed in all my life. I cherish those moments I had her all alone to myself.

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Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Recently Rediscovered Beauty Favorites + 2 New

After my Fall Makeup Inspiration post and through just cleaning up the house, I found some old favorites that I've been using lately. I have so much dang makeup, it's nearly impossible to go through all of it and use it up. I threw a lot of it out, bagged a bunch to bring into MAC to trade for a shadow or gloss, and then there were some items I just put back and will deal with at another time.

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Some old favorites that have become new favorites again are...

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MAC Blush in Nuance 
Ellie misplaced my favorite Warm Soul and I thought for sure it would have turned up by now.

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MAC Blush in Sunbasque 

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MAC Shadows in (left-right) Texture, Romp , Soba, Blanc Type, and Trax
Romp is apparently discontinued, whomp whomp, but  Woodwinked is really similar

Two new favorites:
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I usually would wear Brown Down, but it was discontinued as well and the MUA said that Corduroy was really close. I think it has more of a red undertone though instead of a true brown, but I like it.

Eleanor broke my usual brow powder I wore and nearly every makeup artist's blog I read all use Brun for their client's brows. So I picked it up and haven't looked back. I really love this color and it's really versatile. I also use it to line my bottom lid as well. I think it would work well with darker hair too.

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MAC Gloss in Florabundance
This is a great nude color that's more pink than other favorites like C-Thru and Underage.

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My sister gave me a new potion as one of my Christmas gifts and I'm so happy! I really have missed it, it's hands down the best primer I've used (although I did find one that held down the fort in the meantime, check out my review). 

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This is an old favorite that I used up my last bottle of and since I started using it all the time I picked up a new bottle to replace it. Totally worth the $3.

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Here's an IG (follow me at Kristen_Lawler) pic I posted where I'm wearing the Sunbasque blush and Florabundance gloss. 

What are some of your makeup favorites? Have you discovered or re-discovered anything great lately?

Monday, January 5, 2015

New Year's Resolutions

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It's a new year and a new day. Along with every other person in the world posting on all social medias, here is my own post of resolutions. Ha! Every year, Matt and I try to set up a few resolutions for us to follow. It's been hit and miss over the years, but this year I only have 3 so I hope it's doable.

1. Purge
This is the year of the purge. I'm kind of known to be a sentimental sap and will hold on to everything. I have Christmas/Birthday cards from my grandparents and great grandparents since I was a child. Clothes I've held onto since college, odds and ends I keep for some unknown "craft" it could be used for, etc. This year I'm purging and plan to donate, sell, and trash lots and lots. The cards are totally staying though.

2. Blog More!
Since having Ellie and since moving to the new house my blogging has really slowed down. I've thought about ditching it altogether even. For one, I don't have as much time as I used to. Between work, family, and housekeeping, there's not as much time for blogging. I don't want to cheapen my blog with half-assed or meaningless posts. I haven't had a chance to read as many blogs either, but have stuck to the few that have really stayed true to themselves and share posts that I enjoy whether it's just about their family weekends, easy how-tos, or if they simply have a Facebook page and make it easy to check out each morning as I lay in bed before I start the day. I've thought a lot about my voice in blogging and hope to shape it more this upcoming year. If you have any suggestions on what you'd like to see, please share!

3. Cook More
I've tried some more recipes lately and although I still do not enjoy cooking, I want to be able to have more dishes under my belt. I love having a day off during the week and have a warm meal ready when Matt walks in the door. Call it old fashioned, but I know he really appreciates it. Plus, since I enjoy eating, I should learn to cook. Cup of Noodles and cereal do not count as "cooking". I don't think I'll ever learn to love it (let's count running as another thing I'll never love as well), but I don't want to loathe it or be too lazy to pull something together for my family or myself.

What are some of your resolutions? Do you make any?