
Thursday, May 9, 2013

Blogging Etiquette + Must-Reads

Question of the month from Skylette: "What is blogging etiquette to you?  For example, do you comment on everyone's blog that comments on yours?  Do you follow everyone with a blog that reaches out to you?"

First, I want to premise this by sharing how much I love blogging! Yes, it can be totally time consuming, it’s hard to keep up on reading blogs, commenting, responding to comments/emails, and coming up with material for each post, but I still love it! It’s such an awesome community where I’ve learned so much about cooking, new products, hair, beauty, fashion, etc. It’s not just those things either that make me love it, but the people too. I’ve made so many friends that I email/text all the time about our lives. Just the support and love that people share with you is incredible. Some of the sweetest comments and emails I’ve received are from people who don’t even have blogs, but have commented on a post with honest and sincere words.

This question is awesome, because although I feel that although there’s some “universal rules” that most bloggers abide by, there are definitely rules that vary from blogger to blogger. I want to be clear though that these are just my opinions, and not everyone feels the same as I do.

-Commenter’s who say they’re following you and ask that you follow them.
This does not mean people who say they’re a new follower or how they found your blog, but people who are begging or bargaining for followers. I try and check out the blogs of every commenter and if yours is one I want to follow, I will! There’s no need to ask me to.

-Bloggers who do not respond to questions in either comments or by emails. Ex: Love your dress, where did you find it?
I hate when girls in general do this. I understand that some people may think it’s rude to ask where items are from, but I take it and mean it when I ask as a huge compliment. It drives me nuts on social media when girls don’t get back to you about something. If they’re a huge fashion blogger and it’s a pic from their post, I know to just check out the post for all the info and links to the products. I try and email every commenter back (I prefer to email than comment on the post so I know it goes directly to them) and if you asked a question and don't have your email attached, I'll respond in the comment section of the post. I've found this to start huge chain emails and have "met" so many people just from emailing and responses from comments.

-Give credit where it’s due
Don’t use someone’s pictures/content without asking them first or at least linking back to their original post. Nothing irritates me more than finding a post that uses some of my content, but never even mentions me. Now, I have used pictures I’ve found from Pinterest without asking the blogger first about using them, but I always link back to them. Always. If I post something that was inspired by something I’ve seen on another blogger, a blouse they bought that I had to have myself, a beauty product they raved about, etc. I will always link back to them. It’s also a great way to find other blogs that are similar to your own. I can’t tell you how many new blogs I’ve found from my must-read blogs or how I’ve become friends with bloggers who’s content inspired me and I emailed them about it. Just share the love! This goes right into…

-Be sure to link back!
Whether you’re just mentioning someone, their post, or referring to them, be sure to link back to their site! If you can’t link back to the specific post, maybe it was an old post and you can’t find it, at least link back to their blog page. I try and always link back to everything I can because it’s easier for readers to go to the source, find other bloggers that are similar to yourself, and it gives love to the original source. I mean, why mention them if you don’t link back?

-Comment genuinely
 I read every single comment I get and they mean so much to me. It’s a way to connect to the blogger and their post, get to know each other, and appreciate their content. I try and always leave sincere comments like “That color is fabulous is on you! Love how you styled that top” or I’ll share a personal tidbit or advice depending on the content of their post. For example, my Bumpdate 33 where I asked for feedback about c-sections and breech babies, those comments and emails were amazing! Women answered so many of my questions, shared their stories, and gave me so much support I could just cry with love and appreciation for them! That’s why comments that are generic and are obvious that someone didn’t read the post aren’t as fun. And no, you don’t have to leave a comment for every post you read. I read a ton of posts but don’t always leave a comment if there’s not something I can add or share, I mean, sometimes the posts just don’t relate to me so I might not have anything to say- that’s why I try and leave a comment on any post that does speak to me.

What are some of your social cues about blogging? What irritates you and what do you love about what bloggers do? Please share below!


  1. You covered a lot of great topics that I didn't think even think of!

    I agree - giving credit is SOOO important - I always link back to the blog (& specific post) whenever possible. I think it's a nice way of letting the original bloggger know how impactful their post was :-)

  2. Wow! Well said. I agree with you completely. I love personally emailing back to comments (rather than responding in the comments section) as well. I've also had the opportunity to meet lots of great people this way:)

  3. i'm with you - i hate it when a girl won't provide info on something. i mean really? ugh! i still remember when you let me know who your wedding jewelry was by, and even provided links! so sweet :)

    a peek of chic

  4. Great tips, girl! I think it's super important to respond to questions.

  5. I don't have anything to add really, but I love this post! I hate when people won't tell me something, ha. I try really hard not to ignore questions because I hate being ignored myself! I like replying by email, but I guess not responding in the comments could make it look to other people like I'm just not responding. Hmm. Never thought of this till now.

  6. AnonymousMay 10, 2013

    I love how you wrote this post, I agree with all of it! I was commenting on Ella's post about how great it would be if blogger would come up something similar to disquss so you would know when someone responds to your comment- otherwise it seems like it's never read.


  7. Thank you so much! I am just starting out in the blog world and any advice is so helpful. I've kept up with your blog for so long and really appreciate the tips!

  8. I think this is a great list!! :)


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