
Monday, August 4, 2014

Our Weekend

This weekend was so busy! I felt like we were on the go, go, go starting bright and early on Friday. Work was insanely busy, but went by so fast. Work has been going really well, I'm very much enjoying my new position and am still in training. It's been a great change of pace and am happy with the move. Sunday finally calmed down and it was nice to lay around the house in pjs and relax. We still did some work around the house, but nothing major.

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On Friday for work, we had a potluck and I made Brown Covered Oreos. They are so easy to make and I've made them a few times before. I found the "recipe" on Pinterest, but changed how I made them. I use cupcake liners and drop a bit of brownie into each one, place the Oreo in, and then top with brownie batter then bake for 15-17 minutes. So easy and delicious! I've made them without the liners, but they're harder to eat and get out of the cupcake pan.

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After work I headed straight out to celebrate my SIL's birthday with some of the girls. We went to Old Town Temecula to some great places and had a great time. We started out at a quiet bar/restaurant and sat outside to eat. The place was rustic and had cornhole set up on the side. It was nice to get out and do something new, but I felt so old! I don't typically feel old, but that night made me feel like becoming a parent has really aged me. I was super tired after the clock struck 10 (ok, 9 if I'm honest). Anyone else ever feel that way?

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On Saturday we headed out to Santa Monica (hence the famous and played out ferris wheel shot) for a wedding for Matt's cousin. It was great down by the beach and beautiful. The weather was perfect, warm with a great breeze, and we were able to be outside a lot and enjoy it. I haven't been to Santa Monica in a few years and there were people doing yoga on the grass like in the movies. Ha ha ha. Luckily, we were able to snag some family shots, frizzy beach hair and all.

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Ellie and I finally had the chance to wear dresses that we got LAST summer. I bought this striped dress last April when I was still pregnant and got Ellie that dress at the end of summer for Ellie. I can't believe it's been over a year that this little number has been sitting in my closet with the tags. I just haven't had an event I felt I could wear it too. Usually, when I buy something, if I haven't worn it in the first two weeks I'll return it. I figure when you buy something, you should want to wear it right away.

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Sunday finally calmed down and it was nice to lay around the house in pjs and relax. We still did some work around the house, but nothing major. I've been wanting to work on our playroom and decorate it, but I've been going back and forth on colors/scheme. I did some looking online and I finally have a bit of direction, but we'll see how it goes. I have some vacation days coming up and I hope to get a lot done then. I don't want to do anything crazy, you can see our playroom (it's an open loft area) from the entryway so I'm not going to be painting the walls and need to pull color some other ways.

Hope all of you had a great weekend!


  1. Love, Love, Love your blue and white dress! SO cute! Glad you had some time to relax - what a busy weekend.

  2. LOVE your blue dress, the dessert sounds amazing (totally have a craving for those things now), and I love the Santa Monica shot. You're from California so you can say it's played out, but it looks like something I'd love to see :) Also...I don't think your hair looks frizzy! (And yes, I feel old all the time when I start yawning super early and others are all amped up, haha)

  3. I know exactly where you were in Temecula that's where I live and we've been to that restaurant. I love the whole open area there!! The wineries are the best though! =) And the dress looks super cute on you!

  4. such cute dresses, both of you! and that last pic is adorbs!

  5. Ellie. What a doll baby! Just checking on you. Hope you are doing well, Sister!


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