
Monday, August 11, 2014

How We Spent Our Weekend

This weekend has just flown right by. We had tons of plans, but Ellie came down sick so we just stayed home all weekend and didn't go anywhere (besides a trip to the grocery store). Which was actually kind of nice. We were able to just do some stuff around the house, relax, and cuddle a ton.

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Yesterday we had some of our family stop by to visit and we just stuffed our faces and laid around the house. We had a mishmosh of lunch that we made and it was awesome. Kind of reminded me of college and living on my own where my girlfriend and I would just cook up whatever we had and then eat it for dinner. In fact, I kinda still eat like that now for lunch... left over lasagna, dried apricots, granola bar, and cucumber water? Sounds good.

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We did some work in our backyard (for some reason, I love pulling weeds and enjoy doing it every week) and our neighbor gave us some figs off his tree. He was stockpiling us and I told him we didn't need that much because I would be the only one eating them and now I'm kicking myself in the butt. I only have three left and Ellie wouldn't stop eating them! I fed her a few bites and then she wanted her own and ate three all by herself! I love how much she likes trying new foods and is a fruit lover like me. 

There haven't been much OOTD's over here because I've just been re-wearing the same stuff or just switching out the top/bottom. I'm at that point right now where I hate everything in my closet except a few items. I've been browsing a lot online, but haven't made any purchases (except for these super cute and cheapie sunglasses from Amazon thanks to Megan). I'm so not ready for Fall and I'm absolutely sick of hearing about it everywhere. It's so annoying to me to hear about fall this and fall that when it's hot as Hades around here until November. Plus, I'm a lot more picky with what I'm buying lately, I want to only get pieces that are versatile and will be a good addition to my closet for my personal/weekend life and for work. I have my eye on a few pieces (Old Navy has a ton of cute stuff right now), would you be interested to see a wish list in a future post?

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I've also found a theme and a few items for our playroom! Yay! It's been a slow time getting it together and we're still nowhere close to where I would like to see it, but I have a lot of ideas floating around in my head that I plan on making a reality soon. Just need a few more trips to Target, Hobby Lobby, Ikea, and a ton of hours to pull my ish together. Ha ha ha. Maybe just one project at a time?

Hope you all had a fabulous weekend! Sorry the pics in this post are all IG repeat, I'll be sure to do better next week. 


  1. Sick babies are no fun. Harper wasn't quite herself over the weekend either. And playroom decorating is as bad as putting together a nursery. Kevin and I have been working on Harper's playroom for three months and it's no where near what I want! Ahhh! I always know just what I want I just can't ever seem to find it!

    Happy Monday!

  2. Little Ellie is just too cute! I hope she's feeling better!

    Crumbs & Curls

  3. I personally would love to see a wishlist. I can refer back to it later when I'm not pregnant anymore and looking for some professional pieces :)

  4. Poor Ellie! Hope she feels better soon.

  5. Oh yes - would LOVE to see a wish list post - you always find the best pieces :-)

  6. Hope Ellie is feeling better! I love weekends at home!

    Definitely post a wishlist post! I love looking at those!

    Can't wait to see the playroom! :) :) :)


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