
Monday, March 28, 2011

The Man Shower

The Fiance's bff and Best Man, A is getting married two weeks before us, and A's little brother T is getting married a month after us and their mother threw them a "man" shower a few weeks ago. It was my first time attending one, but I have heard of it before. It's similar to a bridal shower, but the men register for manly things like tools instead of kitchen stuff. It was a lot of fun and nice to do something fun for the groom instead of always for the bride.

Here's the Fiance and I with A (they are each other's Best Mans)

The Grooms-To-Be

Groom T with the Fiance and I

All the boys together

The Fiance's Mother and A and T's mother made quilts together for the boys (they also made one for the Fiance and I too, you can see it in this post)

Such a funny and creative gift, boxers strung on a jumper cable!

At the shower, we even played the Toilet Paper Wedding Dress game, which was hilarious!

The shower was a hoot! It was a ton of fun and it being centered around the boys was hilarious and very sweet. I can't wait for their weddings, it's going to be two months of wedding mania in these households!!


  1. That's such an awesome idea! why should the women get all the extra gifts!

    Love your dress, the green looks awesome on you!

  2. So much fun!! :) I love this idea and think it's a fab way to give the boys some love! Where can I see more of your e-pics too?!

  3. wow! all those weddings, you will be a busy gal!

  4. LOL, how fun! I didn't even think about this, but it's a great idea :-). Will your fiance have a grooms cake at the wedding?

  5. Love the TP dresses!!! I'm recently engaged too! Your shower thank you notes are adorable and I may have to "borrow" your idea if that is okay! Have a good Monday!

  6. Shay- Thank you so much!

    Rhiannon- I'll email you the link! Also, if you click on the Wedding Label you can see my post on them.

    Kerr- I know, it's going to be crazy!

    Vanessa- No, just our wedding cake.

    Michelle- Congratulations! That's so exciting! Yes please "borrow" the idea, that's why I shared. It was a huge hit!

  7. your head piece is fantastic hahaha

    I have never heard of a man shower, but I love the idea.

    Guys deserve gifts too... because let's be honest, I probably won't be wasting my registry on things like hammers and power washers.


  8. That entire party looks like so much fun! I bet you guys had a blast!

  9. How fun, I've never been to a "Man Shower" either but they sound so much fun. I guess I have something to look forward to LOL!

  10. Ok obvs you can tell i'm addicted to your blog now =) I'm following ya so I can keep up to date with your posts.

    LMAO at the TP wedding dress game!

    Jenn @ Peas & Crayons


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