
Monday, June 5, 2017

OOTD: Palms + Our Weekend

Good morning! Happy Monday everyone! This weekend was so fun and it went by in a blink of an eye! I wish every weekend could be a four day weekend, I just love being home with my kiddos and not having a strict schedule. The work week is so busy for us and I've been absolutely exhausted at night and go to bed after putting down Emma most nights! 

I worked Saturday and then we just ran errands and did our usual Saturday stuff (grocery store, laundry, cleaning, etc). Matt took the girls to dance and then a splash pad near our home. Splash pads are the freaking best thing ever!! Where were they when I was little? I took the girls last week on Memorial Day and we had so much fun. 

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Yesterday we had a family birthday party and it was so fun! My uncle just redid his backyard and added a pool and it's absolutely beautiful! I could just live there (maybe I will this summer!). The girls had a great time just playing, swimming, and eating cake. They're so much fun and I love this age! Emma has become extra clingy as my belly has grows, she knows things are changing. I have a love/hate thing about baby clinginess. It's hard though trying to get things done or when you're back is hurting and your arm feels like it's gonna fall off. They're little only once and it goes so quickly, I love being the one they want for comfort and getting to hold them a bit longer. 

I picked up this dress last week on a shopping trip with my bestie and it's so comfy! I wore my regular size and it will fit perfect postpartum. I wore it today and two of my girlfriends picked it up, and two family members ordered it too. It's seriously the best and so easy to wear. Plus, it's on sale! Even better. I'll probably be living in it with the heat wave we've had! 

Hope your week kicked off on a good one! Thank you for stopping by!

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