
Thursday, June 29, 2017

My Bundles of Joy with Huggies

As most of you know, we are a Huggies household. I remember bringing home my first baby, fumbling with different diapers and wondering when is the right time to size up. I was a brand new mom, I was exhausted, stressed out, and filled with so much love I thought my heart would burst. We quickly figured out that Huggies were best for us, we could rely on them to fit her just right, keep her dry through the night, and after a great customer experience with customer service, we became Huggies customers for life.

When I was a pro the second time around (ha!), I knew exactly what diapers we would need and Huggies have been there for us every step of the way with both of my daughters. Their new campaign is sharing your favorite Bundle of Joy moments and I can’t help but get emotional as my youngest Emma will be turning two soon, and will no longer be my youngest baby. We only have a few months left and she’ll become a big sister, a role her older sister has taken a shine to and tells me she’s going to teach Emma to be a good big sister like she is. It’s the cutest thing ever!

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Emma is our little pistol and is constantly keeping us on our toes. When we go places, we have to watch her like a hawk because she’s always getting into everything. She thinks it’s so funny too! She gives you the cutest little smile and chuckles and will try to push the envelope even further. She’s always had a lot of personality, but as her motor and vocal skills have grown, she’s showing it off even more. She’s very particular about what she wants and doing things on her own time. She was the most perfect angel of a baby, but as toddlerhood approached she has started giving me a run for my money.

In fact, I was worried about how she would react to having a new baby in the home and adapting to the role of big sister. I was a bit apprehensive and started preparing her for what’s to come and thinking of ways I could help her adjust to the upcoming changes. However, she’s started to soften all on her own in the last few weeks. While on our vacation this month, if she was apart from Ellie for more than five minutes, she would run up to her and give her so many squeezes! She was constantly hugging and kissing us, she always wants to sit by Ellie and hold her hand when walking. Now, if Ellie is upset about anything, Emma runs up to her to give her a hug and will touch her face softly. The first time she did that, I nearly cried, it touched me so. Ellie has always pretty much smothered Emma with love, but now Emma is returning the love. It has totally melted my heart to see their relationship blossom.

Another moment I wanted to share with you is one that happens at our daycare. There’s just a few kids in her classroom at daycare and Emma has really taken a shine to one of the younger ones. She basically ignores the others, but looks for her little friend every day. As soon as she sees him she starts yelling his name, kicking her feet, and wrestling out of her car seat to see him. Then they hug and give each other loves. She’s so gentle with him, always touching his arm softly, leaning into him for a hug, and finding his toys for him.

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These little moments with her I cherish so much! I love how sweet she is and no longer worry about having another baby soon. I know that these days may feel long, but go by so quickly. These two girls are my biggest bundles of joy and I’m ecstatic to be adding another one to our family. Our next stage will be potty training, and we’ll naturally reach for Huggies pull-ups for that transition.

I’m so glad that I buy diaper bundles at Sam’s Club and save instantly at check out! From June 21st- July 17th you’ll receive $10 off any two or $18 off any three purchases of Huggies diapers, wipes, or pants. I love this sale and I’m always sure I stock up! I picked up two boxes of diapers for Emma (one for us, one for daycare) and will be going back to get some newborn sizes for our little one on our next trip.

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