
Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Gender Reveal + First Trimester Recap

Good morning! Here's a fun post about our little one, we found out the gender a few weeks ago, but have been keeping it to ourselves. I had an appointment yesterday and confirmed the gender again, we found out early so I wanted to be sure! This first trimester has seriously flown right by. This has to be the quickest of any of my pregnancies, I guess two little ones will keep you busy like that! I can’t believe we were able to find out the gender so early on- we had to wait so long to find out with Eleanor and Emma had her legs crossed or the umbilical cord between her legs every time and it took forever!

I found out right at 12 weeks this time around, during my NT scan. The nurse was really nice and I asked her if she thought it would be possible to tell. She said that it would be really hard, the baby would have to be in just the right position, and that wasn’t what the appointment was technically for. Then we just chitchatted about old wives tales, life, work, etc. Then she asked me if I wanted to see the baby’s gender and turned the screen…

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And said “I bet your girls didn’t look like this! You’re having a boy!”. I immediately started crying, it was so surreal! Our last baby, a sweet little boy! I cried the rest of the appointment. I couldn’t wait to tell Matt and Ellie (she only wanted a brother and Emma doesn’t even get what’s going on). I kept staring at the screen, his cute little lips and chubby cheeks were already standing out. I just kept picturing holding him, loving on him, and how he made our family complete. I had to hug the nurse after because I was filled with so much joy I need to share it!

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After my appointment, I had to avoid calling or talking to Matt for at least a few hours- there was no way I could keep the news from him if I had! I ran over to Target and put together a few things to surprise them that night. I filled an Easter basket with three large eggs- one with the sonogram, one with a sleeper embroidered with Little Brother, and one with a bow tie and suspenders inside, then I filled smaller eggs with blue Peeps. I couldn’t wait for that night and the day seemed to drag on with anticipation.

When I got home, almost immediately after putting my stuff down, I told them I had a surprise for them. I gave them each an egg, Emma had the one with the sonogram, which she just ignored and started pulling out all the grass from the basket. Ellie opened hers with a bow tie and suspenders and then started opening and eating the blue Peeps from the small eggs. Matt got the egg with Little Brother sleeper and his face was priceless!! They opened them all at the same time, so no one was really paying attention to the others eggs, I got it all on video and Matt’s reaction was the best! He kept saying “We’re having a boy? When did you find out? Why didn’t you tell me you stinker!?” It was a moment I’ll always remember and cherish!

I've picked up a few things here and there for our little man. It's a whole new ball game shopping for boys than girls. Why does everything have a truck, dino, anchor, etc on it? Where are your favorite places to shop? I've picked up these goodies so far for him, plus this cute outfit and this adorable sleeper.  Sweet N Swag sent me the above goodies, I can't wait to dress him up in the bow tie and suspenders! I think I'll use the bow ties during his newborn pics (which I already scheduled) and the little moccs are just the sweetest! I can't believe how tiny and soft they are, perfect for his newborn skin.

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Onesie (I bought it in two sizes!)

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This first trimester has probably been the easiest yet of the three. Maybe since I have Ellie and Emma to take care of I don’t notice all of the little things? Here’s a small recap of my first trimester:

-Sleep: It has been all over the place, but I’m finally sleeping well now. When I was first pregnant, I had terrible insomnia, that should have been my first sign of pregnancy! With my first two pregnancies, I was exhausted at night, but I find that I’m most tired in the mornings now and take a while to get going. I’ve also had some really weird and vivid dreams.

-Cravings: They’ve been a little bit across the board, sometimes it’s just fleeting or I have to have it for a week and then the craving is gone. These last two weeks I’ve been loving Laughing Cow Swiss Cheese with grape tomatoes. I’ve also really wanted vegetables and V8 juice. My cereal addiction is also very much real, just like with my previous pregnancies.

-Movement: I’ve already felt the little man move! Just little bit here and there, small flutters and shifts. I can’t wait to feel him all the time! It’s one of my favorite parts of pregnancy.

It’s so crazy that we’re adding another family member and that it’s a boy! We are just over the moon with excitement. I keep thinking about how our lives will look with three little ones- when we go out, family vacations, dinner time, social activities, extracurricular activities, etc. I’ve been adding all kinds of parenting books to my must-read list, I don’t want to get caught up with the busy of our lives that I lose focus on parenting with intention and giving each of them attention. So if you have any tips or book recs, please let me know!

Thank you so much for all your support and kind words since we announced! It means so much to me and I love reading your sweet words over and over again.

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