Monday, December 22, 2014

Our Weekend (kind of)

Although the post is titled "Our Weekend", it's more like the last few days that led up to the weekend. We've been so busy getting ready for the holiday, my Dad flew in on Saturday night to stay for a week, my sister and her fiance are going to spend time with us, so I took advantage of some days off to get all my shopping done.

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Must not buy one of each, must not buy one of each

I really should have bought more candy for the house. I thought I'd be good and only buy a pound of nuts and chews for Matt and I and they're almost gone! Why did I choose a week full of visitors to be healthy? Terrible life choice. Even though our visitors are family, I find it so stressful to have people stay with us. I always want to make sure they're comfortable and we have everything they need. Anyone in that boat?

I was able to get my hair done for the holidays, it's a bit darker than before (I think, but maybe it just faded?) and I really love the color. I planned on trimming it and giving it more of an angle, but the day before my appointment I had an awesome hair day. Doesn't that seem to always happen? I think I'll start growing it out and trimming it every other time.Here's a pic of my hair, not shown is Ellie playing in the mirror at her 18 month check up.
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Ellie made for a great shopping partner after our scream filled visit to see Santa. It really made for a great pic though!

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Since this past week has been rainy and cold and we couldn't really play outside, an indoor craft would have to do. Ellie made all her grandparents some ornaments. I was afraid that this would turn into a huge mess, but it was really easy to clean up! If only it lasted longer than 10-15 minutes.

I used a dollar store table cloth to cover our table and an old sleep shirt of mine that I tied in the back to use as a smock. After the ornaments dried, I sprayed some sealant on them to help them last a lifetime. I bought high gloss, but it really just kept paint at the same original gloss they already had. I was hoping it would add some more shine. We also wrote cute message on the back in gold marker. I can't wait for the grandparents to open them on Christmas morning!

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Paints // Ornaments (Hobby Lobby) // Acrylic Sealer 

Ellie and I were able to meet up with one of my closest friends and chat over dinner at Pieology. It was our first time there and it was so fun! You can make your own pizza to be made or choose one of their signature pies. It was delicious! Ellie was making friends with everyone around us, it was so cute.

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We both chose a margherita style pizza with their cinnamon sugar pie for dessert.

Matt and I braved the stores before the weekend started to stock up on groceries. We planned out our dinners and what we needed in general and got it all so we wouldn't have to go back while we had visitors. Although, I'm sure we'll have to get one or two things that will pop up.

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Jeans //  Sandals // Sweater (super old) // Purse (old, similar)

Yes, it's the week of Christmas and we're still wearing sandals over here. No shorts though, we're too sissy in this "cold".

Hope you're all having a great time leading up to Christmas! Travel safe and drink lots of cocoa!


Kate at Green Fashionista said...

Those pizzas look yummy! And it's still sandal weather here, but I've also been wimpy about the "cold". I was blown away to see people swimming at a nearby resort and realized I've officially become a Floridian :-P

Anonymous said...

Ellie is so cute holding that shopping bag! Merry Christmas!