Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Day Off Snapshots

Last week I had to take some vacation days off work and it was glorious. They were days I hadn't planned on taking off, but with my change of positions I had to switch my scheduled vacation time. It worked out though to have Halloween off so no complaints. It's always wonderful to have a few days off during the week to run errands and spend extra time with family.

I loved being home with Ellie! She's at a fun age and it didn't seem like it was as much "work" as other age ranges have felt in the past. Yes, she's always on the go, but maybe we have a better routine down now? She's been on a fantastic nap schedule for a few months and that has really made life much easier. I was one of the lucky women who had a baby that rarely napped so this new sleep schedule is very welcomed. She just takes a one two-hour nap, so it's nothing crazy, but it's better and easier than two short naps like she was taking before.

So here are some random shots from the week:

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We snacked a ton. Lots of hummus was eaten.

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My girlfriend came over and we worked on some holiday crafts

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I finished a wreath, made some ornament balls for our banister (they still need some fabric ribbon to hang from), and monogrammed a pumpkin

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Anytime I asked Ellie if she wanted to check the mail, she ran to the door

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With awesome mail days like this package, why not? 
The Olivia Lace set from Willow Crowns

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We snacked some more

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I snuggled up for some Lifetime movies during naptimes
Why do boot socks say they're One Size, but I struggle to put them on?

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Wore leggings almost everyday. 
Love these printed leggings from White Plum (c/o) 
Snag 25% off with code LEGGINGSLOVE through November 21st!

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Wore more leggings

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Then finally put on some real pants for about 30 minutes

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Enjoyed being outside

That's a little bit about how we spent our days together. I wish I could stay home all the time and play all day with Ellie. We had so much fun together and I loved having friends over and making dinner (who knew?) for us. If only there was more time in the day to really enjoy our time together and get more stuff packed into each day. 

Hope you're all having a wonderful week!


Anonymous said...

Days off during the week are amazing - but unfortunately don't happen often enough. I'm glad you and Ellie enjoyed them - and amen to being able to wear leggings!

Carolyn said...

I love days off where you have no plans!! :) Such cute crafts you made!!

Kristen said...

Yes! A day off during the week is great to get stuff done!

Kristen said...

They're the best! Thank you! I can't wait to hang up Christmas decorations!

Stephanie | Olive and Tate | said...

we hope ya'll love your mama + mini olivia set! xox meg and steph