
Monday, September 15, 2014

Snapshots of the Weekend

Today I'm home sick with Ellie. She came home on Friday with a runny nose and has had a fever on and off all weekend. We planned on taking her to daycare today because she's been in a great mood all weekend, but she had a really tough night so we decided she should stay home where she'll be the most comfortable. We're pretty sure it's just teething, she has four molars that have cut through and I can feel another four coming in.

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Sunglasses // Notebook (sold out, love this one) // Gloss

I've been keeping the journal I write for Ellie at work so I can look back at old entries and write new ones. I have a full hour lunch and it's hard to fill up that time with no shopping. I need to get a good book to read to keep me from walking into Target during that hour. I like to take some time each break to go outside and enjoy the sun, but our temps lately are record breaking and it's miserable to be outside more than 10 minutes.

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We ran a quick errand this weekend and there was a farmers market in the lot that we checked out. We've been wanting to go to a market since we moved in and my cousins in the area have a few great ones they want us to check out with them. It was fun to check out all the fresh produce and try the samples. The dragonfruit was delish! I'll definitely be picking some up our next trip. While we were there we picked up some mango infused balsamic vinegar and I can't wait to make some salmon and salad with it. We tried infused vinegar at my sister's house on roasted veggies and it was so delicious! We've been wanting to pick up some of our own and went with mango. I think next time we'll pick up blood orange or a spicy one.

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Bench (sold out, similar here)  // Love Sign

This love sign is haunting and teasing me. I bought months ago and haven't put it up yet. We had a small leak in an upstairs bathroom shortly after moving in, so that put a wrench in our decorating plan as we had to get it fixed, then textured, and then painted. I wanted to do it last week and I couldn't find the dang nails and hooks I wanted to use for it. So it's just been sitting there on our kitchen bench laughing at me as I pass by it.

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This weekend I finally had the chance to clean out my makeup bag (which sparked a fun post for tomorrow and some more coming up!) and found the September issue of People StyleWatch! I love my subscription and look forward to the fall and spring issues most so I was so disappointed that my September one never came. I filed a claim and they're going to extend my subscription, but I was on the hunt to find it somewhere. Can't wait to dig in for all the fall trends.

How was your weekend? What fall trends are you looking forward to?
Have a happy Monday everyone


  1. Hope your little princess is feeling better *hugs*.

    You know I still have never tried MAC's Lip Glass? I think I need to change that ;-)

    1. Thank you! She's still sick, but doing so much better today!
      What??? Gotta get on that stat!

  2. I love the idea of writing her letters and keeping a journal for her! So sweet! I started "The Happiness Project" journal at the beginning of this year and even that is hard for me to keep up with but it'll be nice to look back on.

    1. It's definitely hard to keep up with it, but I love being able to have something for her when she's older.

  3. I love that magazine! I am so behind on reading them though. :(

    The Grass Skirt

    1. I used to have 3 magazine subscriptions, but it got too hard to keep up reading them all. This is the only one I kept because it's easy to read.


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