
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Baby Must Haves: 8 Months

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For our 8 month must-have, I’ve been wracking my brain about what items Ellie has been loving because there’s only one golden item and it felt weird to post about just one thing (her other favorite toys and things we use for her have been mentioned on previous monthly must-haves), however, I don’t want any of my posts to feel forced or that I’m reaching for straws for content. We have opened more of her Christmas gifts and have bought a few new things for her that we have really enjoyed with her this past week, but that won’t be posted until next month, once they have gotten lots of use and prove to be products worth sharing. I like to try items for a while before posting reviews on the blog, especially on my baby posts because as a new mother, if someone tells me it’s a must-have, I take their word for it. I don’t like to buy something for her that we use for a few days and it’s awesome, but doesn’t last in the long run.
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We received this toy as a hand-me down from my aunt and uncle back in October and Ellie has been in love with it since. Before, we had to have her on our knee to play with it because she couldn’t reach it sitting down, but now that she can pull herself up she is OBSESSED with this toy. It’s the first thing she reaches for to play with every.single.time. Her face just lights up with sheer joy when she hears the songs and sees Elmo move his head side to side. My husband and I both get the songs stuck in our heads and sing them now too. She has loved playing with this activity center since October and her love for it has only grown. She laughs and “talks” to it and has the widest grin on her little chubby face. She works it from one side to the next and goes back again. Ellie has played with a few activity centers similar to this one at friend’s homes, but this one takes the cake. If you’re looking for a center to grow with your baby from the floor to standing (or kneeling) I would recommend this one 100%! It gave my cousin lots of entertainment for her and now Ellie is gaga for it and I’m sure your little one will be too.

I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned this before, but Ellie now has her two bottom teeth and her two top ones have been coming in and have just broken through the gums. She hasn’t been too fussy, but just extra needy. She wants to be held 24/7 on a few days, and even when I’m holding her, she’s still not happy. We’ve been using Hylands Teething Tablets and some other teethers. Thankfully, she’s not too bad (knock on wood) and I’ve heard that these top teeth are the worst!

She is also crawling all over our place! She’s gotten really quick to and is getting into everything. When we call her name out to tell her “No” she just looks at us and smiles. She has a lot of interest in standing and likes to sit on her knees and she puts one foot up, but hasn’t developed the strength/coordination yet to use that foot to push her up to a standing position. She also like to stand up on her legs while pushing herself up from the floor, making a little tent figure with her body for now. It’s so amazing to see all the milestones she reaches and how much changes on a daily basis. On one hand, I’m sad it goes so fast, and on the other I’m so excited and proud of her and the new things that are happening.

Right now, we only have a few more months until her first birthday, which I can’t believe is coming so fast, and we’re trying to decide on what we want to do about breastfeeding. My goal to breastfeed was a year, and now that the year is almost done we are trying to decide when to wean. Should we wean early so we’re finished nursing at 1? Should we wait to 1 to start weaning? Or should we wait until Ellie is ready before the weaning process? We’ve been discussing the different options and we’re kind of at a standstill as to what will be best for all of us, but I’m curious as to what worked for your family? What did you do with your little ones and how did you decide?


  1. Isn't it so crazy (and so fun) when they start to crawl? I don't even remember what it was like when Kenley just sat in one place and didn't move!

  2. Love that toy! Ryker had one and loved it which will now be Nikayla's. Thanks for the reminder to pull it out. We are in the same boat on the breastfeeding deal. It is hard for her cuz I am hone all day so she has access short of speak. I feel like she will do it on her own. As of now she only nurses in the morning and evening. Sometimes once during the day for nap time. I think it is more of a comfort thing. I didn't have the opportunity to wean with Ryker so this is a first for me too. Keep us updated :)

  3. I think Mama's just kind of know when it is best to stop nursing. With Chase, he loved to nurse, and would have kept going for years. I, however, was drying up, and he wasn't sleeping at night because he just wanted to nurse all night and I weaned him around 9 and a half months. It was sad, and I kind of wished I went longer, but physically my body was kind of done. I hope to go a year with this baby, but I think only you know what is best for your family and situation. She is a cutie. Still can't believe its been 8 months!!

  4. Thanks for being so honest. I've bought a few of your rec items and it means a lot that you feel strongly about them. Keep it up!

  5. i know right it's going TOO fast! I was just thinking too the other day that I now have only a few months left until no more nursing. I made the decision to stop at a year too and have really been wondering how all that happens lol especially when she loves the "comfort" feed before bed and in the middle of the night. Keep us updated if you get any great tips!!

  6. Wow look at her stand. Mya hasn't crawled yet and I am beginning to think she may never crawl. I am looking for a stand up toy like that...I really need to get more toys...I feel like we don't have much for her anymore...

  7. Love this! I can't wait for Weston to start moving around !HAHA

  8. She's such a cutie! I know what you mean, it's so bittersweet to watch them grow. As far as weaning, I think you and Ellie know best and you just have to go with what feels right. Aubrey just turned 1 and one year was our boas as well. I am still breastfeeding but I'm mixing her sippys with whole milk to gradually introduce her to it. We are still breast-feeding in the morning and at night because she doesn't seem like she's ready to give that up just yet so I'm not pumping anymore and just going with the flow. You'll figure out what is right for the two of you when you get there, I'm sure:)


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