
Monday, October 21, 2013

Kleenex to the Rescue!

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This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Kleenex but all my opinions are my own. #KleenexAllergy #pmedia

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As a long time allergy sufferer, this fall transition has been no different for me than previous years. Sore throats in the morning, itchy eyes, and worst of all a runny and sneezing nose. I hate that part. I thought you were supposed to grow out of allergies like these as you age, what happened?

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Since I'm still nursing, I'm not taking anything for my allergy symptoms besides hot tea and my good ole friend the Kleenex. Nothing is worst than a bright red, dry nose to go along with allergies and luckily with this Target coupon, you can get a free 3-pack pocket pack (or a 2-pack wallet pack) with a purchase of a Kleenex 4-pack (while supplies last). 

So this weekend, on my weekly Target run I stocked up. The first time I moved out on my own my mother had told me there were two brands to never skimp on and one of those was Kleenex. With a history of red Rudolph noses, I've listened to her and Kleenex has helped me every year keep my nose nice and pretty.

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I love that the Pocket Packs fit perfectly into the carrying case my Grandmother made for me. Plus I love the fun designed of the Kleenex packages with the hot pink yarn she chose- such a fun combo!

What do you use to manage your allergies? Is Kleenex a part of your regime like it is for me? Don't forget to use this Target coupon to take advantage of a free 3-pack pocket pack (or a 2-pack wallet pack) with a purchase of a Kleenex 4-pack (while supplies last)!

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