
Monday, May 13, 2013

A Quick 10 Qs and As

After seeing Katie of Katie Did What's fun post, I had to copy it. I love "getting to know you" posts, it's so fun to see extra tidbits about some of my favorite bloggers. Please join in with your own post or in a comment!

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1. If you could do one thing differently in your life, what would it be? 
I would do college over again in a heartbeat. It was so much fun, but I feel like I was too focused on working (I paid for school myself and worked 2-3 jobs year-round) and dumb boyfriends, that I would go back and  be smarter about my money and go bigger in everything- school, love, and my sorority. Don't get me wrong, I have absolutely no regrets, but there are definitely things I wish I could re-do and mistakes I could just kind of erase...Plus just things I want to experience again because I'll never be young without responsibility again like I was during that time.

2. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 
Owning a home, working on baby #3, and have taken an awesome vacation (note: that does not mean our usual Palm Springs jaunt or a weekend camping) with just the hubs and I.  Oh, and being deliriously happy off love, life, and family.

3. Do you honestly want kids? 
Have you not read my blog? Is this your first visit? Our little bunny will be here in less than a month! I'd love to have 3-4 children, but I'll take them one at a time and see where life takes us.

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4. What has been the best moment of your life so far?
It has to be the day Matt and I got engaged and the day we found out we were expecting. Both of those days were the start of new chapters in our lives together which have led to the most amazing time of my life and our journey together. Eeeek!

5. What is your life theme song? 
The Beatles "Here Comes the Sun". That was our song for our first dance and kind of embodies my positive attitude and outlook on life. This question is so hard though!

6. What is one thing you have yet to accomplish that you want to do before you die? 
Own a home! We've been looking for over a year and have nothing to show for it. I'd like to find a home and own it outright before I die. 

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7. If you could choose one thing to be known for, what would it be? 
Loving. That's what I think of about my grandmother who passed away and I want people to remember that about me. 

8. If you could do anything you wanted right in this very moment (no consequences, no fear, etc.) what would it be?
Move to the south/beach/mountains (I'll take any of the three), cut my hair short, and buy whatever my heart desired. 

9. What has been the most challenging moment in your life? 
I have no clue. There have been very challenging times in my life that all revolved around the same issue (just on repeat) so any of those days could be the one. It's hard to be the collateral damage to other people's choices. 

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10. Summarize yourself in one word. 


  1. I love getting to know you posts too. Great post! We've been looking for a home for a while too and it's our goal to have it paid off well before we die as well. It's all in the works right now, actually:)

  2. Awww I love this!! :) Thanks for the shoutout, too, girly. You are absolutely beautiful, and your loving nature absolutely shines through in your blog. And your answer to "do you want kids" made me laugh so hard. "Have you not read my blog?!" haha!


  3. Great post!! Love this! I may or may not copy you :)

  4. How fun! I love little things like this.

  5. How sweet! And I totally agree with number one. I worked 40+ hours and went to school full time and sometimes missed out on what would probably have been great memories. I also would have gone to a totally different school. Buut, then I think about how if I would have done that, I wouldn't have met my now husband. Funny how life turns out!

  6. Love this!! :) You're almost a mommy!

  7. This is fun. I worked my way through college too. Most of the people around me did not. I didn't get to live in a dorm. Totally wanted to, but I did study abroad. Twice, so that made up for it.

    It took us a whole to get a house, too.

    Very excited for yu guys to have your baby. It's gonna be great!


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