
Thursday, January 3, 2013

I'm Pretty Cool Now

Notice anything new over there on the left? After the awesome Becka from Busy Becka and Kiki La'Rue has been on me to create a blog button, I finally did it! Only with the help from Whitney of Everything Happens For A Reason of course though. She is seriously a genius, a computer tech animal, and the sweetest!! Thank you again so much for all your help!

So now you can grab my button too!

Love, Lipstick, and Pearls

Do you have a blog button I can grab? Let me know below so I can add you to my sidebar!


  1. Yay!!!! So exciting! She did a great job!

    I grabbed your beautiful new button, you can grab mine too now that I finally have one as well :)

  2. Hi Kristen I love your button! I have one now too. I will add yours to my sidebar!

    XO Alex

  3. I will add you to my sidebar! I would love for you to add mine as well :)

  4. Your blog button is so cute! :)

  5. Love it! I have one too... I would love to swap buttons with ya
    ! :)

  6. YAY! I'm so glad it worked! So happy to help :-)


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