
Monday, May 14, 2012

Anniversary Trip

For our anniversary last week, we spent the weekend in Palm Springs and it was amazing! We had the best time! We ate, relaxed, and laid by the pool. It was something we were both in need of.
On the way there

We stopped at Hadley's for a date shake. Yes, a shake made of completely dates. I thought it would be disgusting, but it was delicious! 

We had dinner at Outback, where we first met in 2007 and is on of our favorite places to eat.

Our view from the pool 

Before heading home. 

It was such a fabulous trip! We had so much fun together.


  1. Aw it looks like such a fun trip! Glad you had a lovel time together!

    Date shake...delicious....I'm dubious! Haha :)

    Amelia @ UGLY DUCKLING xxx

    Come say hey at! :)

  2. Aw Happy Anniversary! It looks like you have a nice trip and those shakes sound delish!

  3. Yay!! Happy anniversary!!!

  4. Looks like a great trip! I have been wanting to go to Palm Springs!

  5. looks like a great trip! love the pictures!!!

  6. AnonymousMay 14, 2012

    you look so pretty and happy in those photos :)

    and girl id kill for some aussie cheese fries right now (all 3000 calories of them)

  7. YAY! Sounds like you had a fabulous time! Palm Springs looks so pretty :)

  8. Happy anniversary - our second one is tomorrow! It's hard to believe it's been that long.

  9. AnonymousMay 14, 2012

    so fun!! i had a date shake at stagcoach..but added vodka :)

  10. i have heard amazing things about those date shakes. but i don't like dates so no can do here. congrats on your 1 year!!

  11. AnonymousMay 14, 2012

    I'm glad you had a great trip! I don't know if I could do the date shake though...

  12. HAPPPYYYYY ANNIVERSARY! Palm Springs is my absolute FAV. I am so glad you had a great time and got to enjoy each other!

    PS. I have wanted to try a date shake after seeing them on Brothers and Sisters. HAHA.

  13. happy anny! glad ya'll had such a nice weekend away to celebrate :)


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