
Monday, April 30, 2012

Take me out to the ballgame! Wedding

This past weekend one of our closest friends were married. It was such a beautiful wedding and we had such a great time! The wedding had a baseball theme and the little touches were adorable. For the reception they had a waffle bar and I was in love! This is one of the cutest weddings I've ever attended! I'm so happy for the couple and that Matt and I were able to be a part of their big day.

Congratulations again you lovebirds! We wish you a long and happy marriage filled with happiness, success, and babies!!


  1. Adorable- I love themes! The table arrangements are so pretty and I love the baseball cupcakes and cake pops. The bats and home plate are such a cute idea for the guestbook too!

  2. I love that idea!!! We were seriously contemplating having our wedding at the new Twins stadium here in Minnesota, and seeing this post makes me remember all my baseball themed ideas! LOVE IT! :)

  3. so creative!! absolutely LOVE the waffle bar. how unique!

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    a peek of chic

  4. I don't know much about you, but I probably wouldn't have worn that color to a wedding. Steals away from the bride when it is her day.

    1. Funny you say that bc it's actually a bridesmaid dress from a bridal shop.

  5. what a unique and cool idea for a wedding!!! i feel like i need a sports wedding.

  6. What a great theme! Love unique weddings :) And you looked fab (as always!)

  7. Such a cute theme!

  8. love it! great post =] SO CUTE love baseball

  9. AnonymousMay 01, 2012

    I'm a little confused as to why you wore white. I'm pretty sure that's still a wedding faux pas unless you're trying to make a statement, no?

  10. my dress isn't white, i'd never wear white to a wedding, it's gold, which is completely appropriate.

  11. Hahaha what an awesome theme! I love all the treats...I bet the Mr. would have picked a theme like this if I didn't start taking over all the plans hahah

  12. SUPER cute theme. Your hair looks GREAT! Glad you had a great time.

  13. Awesome collection of themes, looking very nice and cute.
    Freshwater Pearls
