
Monday, April 9, 2012

Favorite of the Week- Instagram

Everything According to Erin

Ummmm it would have to be Instagram. Hands down. I'm obsessed.

Check me out, Kristen_Lawler and leave me your username so I can follow you!

Here's some of my pics this past week:

Any tips, tricks, or cool things I need to know about this app? Dish!


  1. I have instagram but I've no idea how to use it properly or find people or anything :(

    In fact, I can't even log into it right now for some reason. If I ever do again I'll be sure to follow you! Hehe!

    I have 30 day shred, really ought to do it! Also I think Lauren looks so gorgeous on that cover!

    Amelia @ UGLY DUCKLING xxx

    Last day to enter DEBORAH LIPPMANN GIVEAWAY at! :)

  2. I have to get on the instagram bandwagon already! Are those mint oreos?! I got the new Glamour too, can't wait to read it.

  3. i think ive used my digital camera like 5 times since i dl instagram

  4. I really don't use this nearly as often as others but I do think its fun!

    I *think* my name is: TheFashionableESQ :D
    The Fashionable ESQ

  5. I just started using instagram so I don't know the ins and outs yet, but it does make pics look great! Love the picture of those oreos!

  6. I am in love with instagram too! I just started following you :) my name is Miranda_Lamb

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I just started following you. Follow me @missmeggiebeth.

  9. Good choice my friend, good choice

  10. Instagram is the best! I have tips but hard to type. I will tell you in person when we set up our next date :)

  11. YAY! I love instagram!! Follow me!! (hautechild) I apologize in advance for the multitude of baby pictures ;)

  12. so happy you are on instagram now!!!

  13. My name on IG is: whitneyehfar

  14. pretty certain im going to run (walk i mean) to the store right now and get some oreos.

    dont worry, im not just heading there for oreos...i need soda. caffeine headache is full on right now.

  15. New to your blog and I love it!

    30 days shred is amazing!!! I have it and started it almost two weeks ago and its definitely working!!!

    IG name: livelaughlove1220

  16. Found you on Instagram! My username on Instagram is Rican45. I love instagram you can also pick pictures from your camera roll or photo stream and put them on instagram .


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