
Thursday, March 22, 2012

What Side Are You On?

So, the husband and I both have "our sides" of the bed. Once we tried switching sides and neither of us slept well and woke up with cricks in our necks. No fun.

The other night, the H fell asleep on my side of the bed. So what did I do as a fabulous wife? Well, I waited for him to roll around enough to give me enough room to squeeze into my spot.

At home, I have to sleep on the "outside" of the bed, whichever side is closest to the door. Since I was a child I've always had to sleep by the door. However, whenever I'm a guest somewhere I'll sleep on the "inside" away from the door or next to a wall/window.

We may switch it up when we get our own place, but for now we have MY side and HIS side.

So loves, which side do you favor? Isn't it funny that we tend to favor one side over the other?


  1. it is pretty funny that we all have "sides" when I was a single girl I'd always sleep on the side closest to the door and usually venture more towards the middle, of course. so when I started living with my hubby I slept closest to the door too. sometime in the past 2 years we switched and we laugh now because we can't remember when we did, or why but now I sleep on the other side!

  2. Funny, I never thought about it as door vs. not but that's how we sleep! My husband is always nearest to the door because he gets up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night. And I'm always on the inside :)

  3. When we first got married we realized that Patrick's "side" of the bed was right smack in the middle. And he'd spread eagle his body. I'd roll over and get an elbow in the eye or wake up teetering on the edge of the bed cause he was pushing me off in his sleep! It took us at least two months to get used to each other. haha. I definitely prefer the left side of the bed, so I can have my back to the edge when I lay on my side. (I always sleep on my left side).

  4. That's funny because I've actually heard somewhere that women typically prefer to sleep away from the door! I guess in case of some danger, they're farther, lol!

  5. I grew up sleeping on a full size bed, and would only fall asleep slanted (basically taking up the entire bed). That is by far my favorite way to sleep, and I get the opportunity every time Gable leaves on a work trip. But when he is home and sleeping next to me I HAVE to sleep on the left side. Otherwise I can’t fall asleep.

  6. Thats funny! My husband and I def have sides. Its always him on the left and me on the right. Usually he is closest to the door being on the left side, thats just how our room is always set up but in one apartment the door was on the right side and I have to say I hated it! Is that weird!? But we are now back to him left me right!

  7. full disclore-i decided to try online dating. its awful. anyways, the point is one of the questions is 6 things you cant live without and one is my side of the bed. i cannot sleep on another side.

  8. I prefer the inside when we're at hotels/away from home because I feel safer. But at home since our bed is in the middle of the room across from the door, I'm on the right and he's on the left (if you're looking at the bed). We try to keep to that on vacation unless the "inside" is different.

    You're a sweet wife waiting for him to roll over when he fell asleep on your side. I totally wake up my H and tell him to move lol.

  9. we totally have sides mapped out too - but now we don't have a choice, since we bought a mattress that is firm on his side and soft on my side. so neither of us would ever choose to sleep on the wrong side :)

    a peek of chic

  10. We recently had to switch sides due to the addition of the bassinet to our room and STILL have not gotten used to it. I suspect after we transition peanut to his crib, we'll end up switching back ;)

  11. I always sleep on the right and my hubby on the left... But if you were standing at the foot on the bed looking at us, I would be on the left and hubby on the right. Hope that isn't too confusing. Haha

  12. in our house,it's mandatory that my fiance sleeps closest to the door, no options.... I'm marrying a veteran Special Forces man.... haha safety first!

  13. My boyfriend and I both have our side of the bed as well. He always sleeps to the left of me and me to the right of him. We've tried switching a couple times but neither of us get any sleep when we do.

  14. I've always slept on the right side of the bed since I've lived by myself. I only ever had one night stand until I moved to Illinois and it was always on the right so that's the reason for that. Then when I moved and got two night stands, I was so used to sleeping on the right that I just kept doing it. The bf didn't have a preference so he took the left. Though when we go to hotels we switch it up. He gets to pick the side he wants - which is usually wherever is closest to the TV.

  15. We almost always switch it up. It's weird I feel like most people have their normal sides.

  16. We switch it up a lot. We don't stay on one side for very long.

  17. I always sleep closest to the door too! No clue why.

  18. I always sleep away from the door. When we lived in VA my side was towards the window. When we moved home and are now living separately it's the same at my house, but freaking Tim switched it up at his house! I feel so off when I stay over there.

  19. I sleep on my right side - so 'door specific' doesn't really apply. Funny topic though - it's so true how we have to sleep on a certain side.


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