
Monday, October 4, 2010

Fun at the Fair!

The LA Fair has been in town and I was lucky enough to go twice! The first time I went with my girlfriends and some of their men came too, but mine had to work. Luckily I wasn't a 5th wheel and had my girl B as a date. She was a great one too!

Here's some of our group before we headed out, after all these years we're still friends and sorority sisters!

My date B with the sunset behind us, so romantic!

A footlong corndog is a must at the fair...or any amusement park for that matter.

Little baby boy is due this winter! I can't wait to meet him and for the shower next month!

Boys and their turkey legs

All of the ladies together. I seriously love these broads and I'm so thankful to have them as friends.

B and H even survived the fair rides

The fair has wine tastings and since I just recently started liking wine this year, I still only like the dessert or sweet ones. The guy said I'd be easy and poured me my 5. I must say they were delicious! There wasn't a single one I didn't like!

Here's my fave 2 that I tried:

The LA Fair also has a little exhibit on flowers of Mexico:
Aren't these flowers insane?? They're supposedly real, although I didn't touch them myself to verify. I did lean over as far as possible and try though! They said they're made by splitting the stem. Could you imagine these as a wedding bouquet?

Here's a few pictures from my second trip with the Fiance, his sister K and her husband M:


  1. How fun! Love your red purse! I love going to the fair just for the FOOD!!!

  2. Fairs are my very favorite thing in this world :)

    I am so bummed that ours are coming to an end! We went to a fall festival this weekend and I have a feeling that will be the last until next year! :((( booo winter!

  3. Awww! Looks like you guys had so much fun! I love the HUGE turkey legs shot, so funny!


  4. nothing says fair like a turkey leg!


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