
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Corioliss WInner!!

The winner of the Corioliss Classic Pro Flat Iron 1" is.....


Joni and Rico Adams!!

Congratulations! Please email me at your full name and mailing address so Misikko can send you your gift!

I used to find a winner from the 62 entries.

Can anyone tell me how to use their link so I can post a pretty picture and not these horrible pics from my phone??? This is so embarassing)

Thank you to Misikko for this opportunity and for everyone who entered! It's been so exciting and I've enjoyed getting to use a new product, find a new place to shop for my hair electronics and to share this all with my readers! XOXO


  1. so funny! I use "print screen" button - there is usually one in the upper right hand side of the keyboard. It captures the screen (so have it up on the site with this number), then I got to Paint and do Edit - Paste. Then I crop around just the important part and save as a photo! :)

  2. Woo hoo! Great giveaway. I feel like a million bucks now because... I'm a winner ;)


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