Stylist (who should be fired if she has one): Oooh I have a bra and corset that will be so hot!
Annalynne: Great! I want to wear some tight sexy pants too and high boots.
Stylist (who should be fired if she has one): I have just the thing!
Annalynne: Oh and I definitely want to have a Madonna vibe going on as well.
Stylist (who should be fired if she has one): Lace gloves?
Annalynne: Awesome. I need something studded- that's been everywhere on the red carpet.
Stylist (who should be fired if she has one): Ok. Hmmmm....We're missing something...... I know! Lets get a Rihanna pointed nail tip too.
Annalynne: That will pull the look together perfectly!
Stylist (who should be fired if she has one): You are so ahead of the game.
Note: By "ahead of the game" she meant by 2 months, Halloween is in October honey.
Jessica Lowndes: Ummmmm, maybe my stylist could work with you for the next event?
Annalynne: What are you trying to say?
PS Her makeup is fabulous! I nearly didn't recognize her she looks so glamorous!
Oh my goodness. I love the corset look but not the corset pirate look! haha too funny what some of these stars wear!