
Monday, March 6, 2017

Our Little Announcement- Baby 3 is on its way!

We are so excited to finally share the secret we've been keeping since the new year started- our family is growing and we're adding another little one! We are over the moon that we're expecting, it was a welcome surprise!

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These pics of the girls crack me up! I wanted to try and get some of the two of them, but they were over it. I laugh every time I see these! They're so funny, I had to share them!

Thank you SO much for all of your love and support! I've read and re-read everyone's comments and messages and my heart is so full. We are so excited for our family and for the girls. Ellie can't stop talking about the new baby and how she wants a brother. She tells me all the time how she's going to teach Emma to be a big sister and it just melts my heart. Ellie is such a wonderful big sister to her, she's so loving and has so much patience for her. Emma doesn't get it yet, but is obsessed with babies and loves to wave and blow kisses when she sees them. She's also into dolls now, so I think she'll be ready when this one arrives.

We don't know yet what we're having, but we plan on finding out. At first, I wanted to keep it a surprise and not find out, but Ellie wants a boy so badly that I thought it might be better to find out the gender so we could let her down early if we're having another girl. Matt of course wants a boy too, but I have no preference. I haven't for any of my babies and am just thankful and grateful for healthy babies.

So far my pregnancy has been really easy- no sickness, cravings, food aversions, etc. I'm so lucky that I haven't experienced that yet with any of them. The only thing different so far with this one that I'm really tired in the mornings and at night (with the girls it was mostly just at night). I wake up pretty early for work, but just can't seem to get going in the mornings. I've been doing the bare minimum for my hair and makeup a lot of days and then feel fine after I've been up and moving after a few hours. My sciatic nerve started bothering me this past week, but it's been coming and going. Other than that, there's nothing to really report.

I've always wanted a big family and after having Emma, I knew there was one more waiting for us. Matt was on the fence about adding to our family and I wanted to wait a bit longer between Emma and another, but God had different plans and answered our prayers in His own way! There's going to be almost the exact same timing/age gap between each baby.  I know that our family will be complete when this little one joins us, he or she is exactly what we needed. Since starting our family planning in 2012, I've always wondered if I would ever feel that our family was complete or if I'd always wonder if we should have another. My heart is so full and I know this is exactly what the Lord had planned for us. It's an incredible feeling having that peace of mind and my heart is so full, it's about to burst!

My gorgeous lace dress is from Pink Blush and I couldn't wait to wear it! I knew it would be the perfect maternity dress for our announcement. It's so stretchy and doesn't have or need rouching for my growing belly. It's a great pick whether you're expecting or not, I love the length! It's so hard to find a good hemline!

Thank you again for all your sweet words! I'm exciting to share this with you guys! Sorry, I've been MIA the last few weeks, I've just been too tired from the pregnancy and some other happenings that I'll be sharing with you guys soon too- obviously not as big as another family member though! Hope you all had a fantastic weekend, thank you for stopping by!

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