
Monday, July 28, 2014

Summer Hair Inspiration

One of my favorite activities in the whole world is happening soon- getting my hair done! Holy hair Batman, I haven't been able to get into see my hair girl Nikki since she's so busy doing weddings, photo shoots, etc. I can't wait to see her! As always, I have a million different things I want to do to my hair. Dye it darker, go blonder, do a mix, cut it shorter, cut layers, keep it blunt, and so on. Lucky for me, Nikki is bomb and I can walk in and say "do what you want" and she always does a great job and somehow knows exactly what change I'm looking for. I've been trolling Pinterest and Instagram and here are some of my favorites I'll be drawing inspiration from.

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What are some of your favorite hair trends for summer? Are you making any changes to your hair before fall creeps up on us?

Be sure to enter my Tiny Tags giveaway and enjoy 15% off your purchase through 07/31 using LLP14!


  1. Hello! Quick question -- where did you find the picture of the brunette with glasses? Some really great styles in this post -- thanks for posting!

  2. All pics are from Pinterest :)


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