
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

How We Spent Our Weekend

Happy Tuesday everyone! I hate the first day after a weekend, especially a long one. Matt and I are always wishing we had just one more day. Just a day between Saturday and Sunday you know? How perfect would that be? Right now I'm still waiting for a transfer at work and have been staying with my in-laws during the week and see Matt and our new home on the weekends. It's been tough to go back and forth and get everything together for the house and Ellie's birthday party, but I'm so thankful I have my in-laws, they are so wonderful. I love the extra time we get to spend together and how close they've become with Ellie.

This past weekend was awesome! My girlfriend and her husband hosted a BBQ at their beach club and it was great catching up with all our sorority sisters, their husbands, and seeing their kids. It was Ellie's first time in sand and she wasn't sure about it. One moment she liked it and the next she wouldn't put her feet on it and would lift one foot while trying to hang on us and lift the other. So cute!
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It was awesome having a pool, beach, sand, and grass all available together. It was really the best of all worlds and perfect for the kids. The day was overcast for most of it so I didn't get to lay out which I was really looking forward to. The overcast was good for the babies though, it didn't get too hot for them. Ellie wore a white hat for the majority of the day and I need to get her another swim hat like she had last year for the pool.  It was Ellie's first time in sand and she wasn't sure about it. One moment she liked it and the next she wouldn't put her feet on it and would lift one foot while trying to hang on us and lift the other. So cute!

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The striped dress is from Kiki La'Rue and is available in white here.

Sunday We celebrated Matt's sister's birthday with a big pool party. Ellie loves the water and had such a blast with the family and her cousins. She and her cousin wore matching swimsuits and it was so adorable. We've dressed them alike just a few times, but I can't wait to do it more. Her cousins are so sweet and just always dote and love on her, they'll have great memories growing up together and be so close.
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I bought a bikini for this summer, but wasn't ready yet to bust it out so I picked up this one piece from Target and I absolutely love it. It's my first time every wearing a one-piece, I've had bikinis since childhood. I'm going to hold on to the bikini though, I'm sure I'll wear it later this summer. We also bought that outdoor blanket from Target (can't find it online) and it's perfect for the grass and is great size. I picture lots of picnics in our backyard with it.

Hope you all had a great weekend as well, enjoy the short work week!


  1. you guys are adorable. Love Ellie's little swim suits! :) Glad y'all had such a fun weekend!

  2. I love your swimsuit! I'm debating getting a one piece this year, but I don't want it to look "too" maternity. Little miss Ellie is so cute I can't stand it! She looks so much like you.

  3. AnonymousMay 27, 2014

    I love your one piece! I may have to make a trip to target!
    Looks like you guys had a great weekend :) Mine was full of clouds and rain!

  4. Such an adorable little family! Looks like a fun weekend! I love her swim suits!

  5. She's getting soooo big! Can't believe she's turning 1!!


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