
Friday, May 17, 2013

Bumpdate Week 37

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36 Weeks 2 Days 
Target Basic Tank/Maternity Shorts from Ross/Groopdealz Bubble Necklace

It's insane that we'll be parents so quickly, I've made a ridiculously long list of everything I need to still do to be "ready" for her arrival. Things such as pack the diaper bags, organize our changing table/dresser, launder her sheets/boppy cover/blankets/changing table cover/a few outfits, etc. Then buy the remaining items I still need to get like a nursing cover, diaper pail refills, more butt cream for baby, etc. 

My MIL and SIL are going to come over tonight while our men are on a fishing trip to help settle everything in place. I'm so happy to have such supportive family members on each side of our family that we can rely on and reach out to for help.

We also had our 36 week appointment on Wednesday and we are definitely having a c-section, we scheduled it for the last week of May. I'm kind of relieved to be honest. I knew she wouldn't flip, there's just not enough room for her in there! I'm happy to know we have a plan and we're not still waiting to see if she'll flip. I knew in my gut we'd end up w the c/s because she's been Frank Breech for so long and hasn't flipped whatsoever since we found out her position. I didn't have much hope she'd turn since she wasn't changing position week to week like other mother's experiences I've heard.

Over the last few weeks, after doing my research and talking to so many of you, I just came to terms with having a c/s, not experiencing labor, and having a May baby. If you've been following my bumpdates, you'll know I was equally afraid of both labor/delivery and c/s for different reasons. I've focused on all the positives of having a c/s such as knowing when she'll be here instead of pacing the floor playing the waiting game, she'll have a perfectly shaped head, and my hair/makeup will be looking great for the photos! LOL. I know, but it's still part of the silver lining right?  This pregnancy was planned and we really wanted a June baby, and although I'm happy to have a child at any time during the year, I really wanted a June baby. Our families have so much going on in May that's all back to back, I wanted our little bunny to have some time all to herself. Oh well, can't plan it all right?

I really want to thank you all again for all the love and support, the comments, emails, and words of inspiration and comfort have meant so much to me. They really have turned my worries and fears around- I'm so grateful!

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How far along?  36 Weeks! (Each bumpdate reviews the week previous)

Total weight gain: 23 lbs! I've gained another 2lbs since my last appointment. My doctor said I'll be the woman who gains it all at the end and he was right!

Stretch marks?: Besides Stretch Mark Gate (read about it here  in Week 28) I haven't had any more pop up and the few I have on the underside of my chest are almost gone thanks to using Body Spa Cell.U.Lift Firming Body Lotion every morning after my shower. Now that I'm so close to the end, I really hope I don't get any on my belly- knock on wood! I'm still using the  Burt's Bees Mama Bee Belly Butter each night before bed (when I remember). Did you ladies still use belly butter after delivery? I figure I'll still use it as my body goes back to shape, but wondered if that's what was common.

Maternity clothes: This past week I've been able to re-work my 6 rotated outfits to look new with accessories, but I still hate getting dressed. Nothing fits rights, I'm hot all the time, and just want to wear "yoga" (it's in "" because they've never been to yoga) pants and a tank everyday, but that doesn't quite cut it for "business casual" at my work. I'm still wearing my Old Navy Maternity Smooth-Panel Rockstar Jeggings  (I bought two pairs) and two pairs of shorts on the weekends. Plus all my maxi dresses of course.

Belly Button in or out?: Out! It's finally popped all the way out and shows in everything I wear, but I wouldn't count it really as an "outie" because it's still pretty flat. It feels so funny when it's rubbed too. I've also noticed that it's often tender, which makes sense since it's stretched so thin.

Sleep:Oh my word. Worst week of sleep yet! Last Thursday, I woke up 7 times! I had to use the restroom, I had heartburn, I woke up in a sweat from being so hot (while the hubs was shivering), and my hips hurt. It's been a pattern this past week that varies how many times I've had to get up from 1-6 times, but it has been no fun!

Best moment this week: Monday-Wednesday, the hubs and I took a little vacation to celebrate our 2 year anniversary and have some time alone before the baby comes. It was so relaxing! We tried to find some activities to do while pregnant, but it's pretty slim. Some of the ideas I had that were out was paddle boarding and whale watching, but seeing how I don't want to fall in the water and my agility is off the first option was out and I get crazy nauseous on a boat so the second option was also out. Instead, we ate, napped, got a pedicure, went to the beach, and walked around the downtown area. It was wonderful!

Worst moment this week: Sleeping sucks. 

Have you told family and friends: Yes!

Miss Anything? Wearing my regular clothes, sleeping without needing an ice bath, and not having Fred Flintstone ankles/feet.

Movement: She still moves a ton! On Saturday she was sticking her foot/hand out so far I felt like I could pinch it! It was crazy. 

Food cravings: Water, juice, grapes. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing.

Have you started to show yet: Absolutely!

Gender: Team pink!

Symptoms:As you read above; no sleep, hip pain, heartburn, swelling, and panic mode now that we have a date when she will be here.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, but hot.

What I'm reading: On our trip I started to read Breastfeeding Made Simple- a suggestion from Meg of Meg. O on the Go, so far I really like it. Lots of good information!

Looking forward to: Seeing our little girl, getting the home and maternity leave organized, and getting my hair done next week!


  1. You look amazing. I am not sure if you discussed this in previous posts as I am a new reader of your blog but did you exercise at all during your pregnancy? If so, what did you do?
    Congrats to your almost due date and baby almost being here!

  2. She's going to be here SO soon! You will do great with the c-section, so don't stress. Just think about how happy you'll be to meet your sweet girl!

  3. @ Jeannie thank you so much for your comment and for reading! No I didn't exercise whatsoever during the pregnancy, but looking back I wish I had. I didn't work out before so I didn't start when I found out. I'd like to find a routine once she's here though and stick to it through my next pregnancy.

  4. I'm glad that you are feeling better about c-section. I know that it is kind of a let down to not be able to experience the whole L&D but at the end of the day, you will have a beautiful baby girl in your arms!! And you can also get your nails and hair done and look beautiful for pictures (not that you wouldn't but I am SO doing that next time). I should give you my number so you can text me and I can be your personal recovery cheerleader. I'm glad that you are also enjoying the book. :)

    You are looking great and I hope you are enjoying these last couple of weeks. They feel so slow but they will be over so quickly.

  5. You look so great! I'm totally struggling with rotating outfits too and I'm only 22 weeks

  6. You look so beautiful. How exciting that your baby girl will be here soon! I'm glad you and your hubby were able to go away for a few days, and that you were able to relax and just enjoy each other.
    Have a good weekend!

  7. AnonymousMay 17, 2013

    Ohmigoodness you look so cute! Glad you finally know you're having a c-section. I'm sure it's nice to have comfort in knowing when she will be here and to not have to stress over labor itself. Plus, like you said you hair and make-up will look perfect for photos haha!
    Your getting so close!


  8. AnonymousMay 17, 2013

    Oh my gosh, you are adorable!! :) it's crazy to think you'll be holding her in your arms on that exact day... I'm sure it all seems so surreal to you guys.

  9. You look fantastic!! I'm sure the c/s won't be a problem at all. Good luck doll!

  10. You look beautiful! Pretty soon we'll be reading the blog post about her arrival! Best wishes to you in your final weeks!

  11. You look fab, love reading your updates :) twin pregnancies- I am totally gaining my weight at the end too.

    it's funny b/c I really wanted a May baby and you really wanted a June baby and now you will go early and I will probably go into June. haha :)

  12. You are the cutest preggo!! I mean absolutely cute!!
    You are so lucky you are craving healthy things. I crave chili cheese fries from Krystals. I mean I could eat them every single night. lol.

    I have been scared/nervous from the beginning over labor and delivery. My dr hasn't mentioned a C Section to me ( thank goodness!). Ive had people tell me they prefer them and wouldn't have it any other way. Cant wait to see you next pics :)

  13. You look fabulous- all baby! The c/s will go fine, I'm sure. I started curling my hair as soon as I felt my first labor pain. Lol but after being in labor for 17 hours, and finding out that I needed an emergency c/s that was all out the window! So just go with the flow:) you'll be great, just focus on the fact that you'll be meeting your little girl very soon!

  14. I had the same experience with my daughter, who is 13 months now. We tried everything to get her to flip (except the version). She didn't budge so we had our c section scheduled. My water broke a week early so we headed to L and D because of the risk of cord prolapse. Well when they checked me she had flipped!!!! I didn't even know it, I have no idea when she did it. I had 26 hours of labor and a c section anyway because her her head was so round from being breech. Anyway no matter how its planned you can still have a fun surprise! ;) Good luck with everything and I hope you have a smooth recovery!
    Also, this is random but I follow you on Pintrest and I just realized this is your blog! You always have awesome pins!

  15. Oh my goodness! You look so great! I promise! :) Even if you don't feel like it! I can't believe you're this close to the end! EEK!

  16. I lke your plan and totally understand wanting her to have some time to herself, though having a May baby is probably God's little joke! (but seriously, you wanted a June baby and your planning was THAT close?! I'm jealous) Even if you are "gaining it all at the end," you still look amazing!! :)

  17. I knew you'd be the cutest preggo ever and I was right! I'm sorry things aren't going to plan but it sounds like you have a GREAT attitude about it all! Get that little love here safely no matter how you have to do it, right? Can't wait to "meet" her!!! XO.

  18. you look so great and still so smiley! love it!!


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