
Monday, April 2, 2012

Favorite of the Week- Hunger Games

Everything According to Erin

This weekend I finally saw The Hunger Games and I loved it. I've been a fan of the books for a while and was really happy with the movie. Some parts were cheesy and maybe not gritty enough to fully represent the novels, but it had a PG-13 rating, so I was expecting that. I felt the movie stayed mostly true to the book and I can't wait for the rest of the novels to go to the big screen.

Have you seen the movie or read the books? What are your thoughts?

Oh and want to know what you can do with your old bridesmaid dresses? Host a pub crawl!


  1. Great idea for a pub crawl!

  2. i have read all the books but have yet to see the movie. i want to and hopefully can convince my hubs to go with me. he is so not into any movie that could be close to a chick flick.

    love the pub crawl idea!

  3. Ahh what a fun idea for a pub crawl! I love it! So glad you saw the movie! I actually really enjoyed it, and I read the book!

  4. my girlfriends and i did a ugly bridesmaid dress brunch, which was a lot of fun!!

    a peek of chic

  5. So glad u finally saw it! I'm obsessed.

  6. love the pub crawl idea! ha!

  7. I was wondering if all those dresses were bridesmaid dresses...What a great and silly idea...hahah

  8. I love, love, love the books...probably my favorite books of all time. I saw the movie yesterday and I really liked it but I thought it was lacking some of the romance the first book provided. I cannot wait until the next one comes out!!!

  9. I wish they had made the movie rated R so that it was a littl grittier too! But since the books are Young Adult I figured it would be on the tamer side. I thought the acting was good...really good! I am loving Jenifer Lawrence. A lot!

  10. First...I have still NOT seen the movie. I was supposed to on Sunday but plans got messed up...hopefully soon.

    Second, I LOVE the idea of a bup crawl with old bridesmaid dresses!!! Freaking awesome!

  11. What a great idea - I'm sooo copying... :)


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