
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wrap Yourself Up in a Scarf!

Ok, so I have a problem. My name is Kristen and I'm a scarf-aholic. I'm serious. They're overtaking my closet. My old workplace used to call me scarf lady because I wore one weekly. Then on some old OOTD posts, a few people commented on my affinity for them and that's when I realized I may have too many...

Too many? Who am I kidding!! You can wear them year round, with a variety of outfits, and they're fairly affordable and add a little spice to any outfit. Plus, in the winter time they're actually used to keep you warm and not just for fashion.

So today's post I thought I'd share some scarf inspiration on how to wear it a new way and work new combos into the everyday all thanks to Pinterest. My online best friend. Some pics you may have seen before on LLP, but I had to include them in a scarf post.

Use a scarf for a pop of color

Tie and wrap your scarves in a new fresh way

Long, loose, or belted

Warm and cozy

Want some new ways to tie up your scarf? Check out JDC's post for two new ways

Or check out these quick ties

How do you wear your scarves? Wear do you find the best scarves? I've heard Hillary Duff will even use tablecloths(!) when she loves the print.


  1. I have a scarf addiction too! You aren't alone

  2. I'm slowly becoming addicted to them too. I love the first two pics and the one of Lauren Conrad (I think it's her). Great tutorials!

  3. Mmmm, this post is so much fun! I love scarves but I definitely need to expand my collection! I love learning new ways to wear them too!

  4. I NEED to send you a picture of my scarf drawer :) I call myself the Pashmina Princess haha. LOVE this post! HEY! You can pizazz any outfit up with a scarf!!! Have a great day!!!

  5. I was going to tell you to do a scarf tutorial...but you beat me to it! I LOVE scarves and have a ton of them, but whenever I put them on they just don't look quite right. I'm going to have to use these tips. :)

  6. Love this! I feel like I am always trying to find new ways to wear a scard, because I too, love them! Great post!

  7. I love scarves and am always looking for different ways to wear them! Thank you for sharing!

  8. I love belted scarves. I wore one on Sunday and got a ton of compliments.

  9. hi..its a nice style...i like it. regards from indonesia. i was followed you no#506. please come to my site.

  10. New reader here...excited to read more :) your blog is too cute!

    If I could take that entire Polyvore and put it in my closet RIGHT NOW, I would. I never knew all the different ways you could wear helpful!

  11. I could be your sponsor in scarves annonymous. I have a problem as well.

  12. Hi! I'm Mandy and I'm a scarfaholic too!!! Loved this post. Great outfits, great celeb pics! I like long and loose or cozy!!
    Love that we posted about scarves on the same day. And I totally have that leopard scarf you used in the outfit! Haha.

  13. Seriously, I am addicted to scarves as well. It looks like you are in good company judging by the comments ;) And now after reading this post, I totally want to run out and scoop up more scarf goodness!

  14. pretty safe to say im obsessed with scarves! i find the best on etsy and in vintage or consignment shops! i love an old scarf with a strange design because i can base on entire outfit around it!

  15. love this post!! i love scarves!!!

  16. Awesome post, girlie! I love scarfs, so this post is right up my alley! My favorite is wearing really chunky ones in the winter!


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