
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Work Fashion Inspiration

So ladies, I'm starting a new career this month and I want to take my Business Casual up a few levels from what it is now. My previous office was also Business Casual, but was very relaxed and we got away with murder. From everyone's posts, twitters, and personal emails, I understand that many of you are also starting new jobs and I thought this post would be perfect.

Before I start training, I gathered some photos from Pinterest and re-evaluated my closet and made a list of what I needed to buy. I wanted to share the pictures from my Fashion Inspiration board with you ladies and see what thoughts you have and what you like to wear to work. I found photos based around the dress code and included some pictures that could be updated to fit, i.e. switching out the denim, covering with a cardi or blazer, etc.

First, who said Business Casual is all about neutrals? I love these color combos:

Great ways to incorporate a scarf, which most know I own a billion of...

Great use of the basics:

Again, I'm not going to copy these looks piece by piece (although I would love to), but they were great in shaping my wardrobe and shopping my closet and the stores.

Where do you shop for your work clothes? Any great style advice?

What do you like to wear to work? What's your dress code? Which of these looks were your faves?


  1. business attire is oddly one of my favorites. i only get to wear it a couple times a year since i work in the livestock industry and our "style" is what you would certainly called "relaxed".

    i usually wear pencil skirts with an oxford shirt provided by my company, so i don't get to wear anything all that exciting. but i amp it up with scarves and SHOES of course! and i will wear any color pencil skirt under the sun. red, pink, blue, yellow. i can't stand to be boring. H&M and NY&Co are great for cheaper pieces, although i think it is important to invest in an excellent fitting pencil skirt in black or gray. it is something you will wear for years and finding one that fits well is always a struggle for me and my big bootay to waist ratio.
    ok. i've been commenting novels!

  2. My job is mostly business casual unless I'm in Court and have to wear a suit. In the summer it's casual though which was a first for me this year. I didn't know what to do!

    My rotation of business casual stores include: Banana Republic, Ann Taylor/Ann Taylor Loft, J.Crew. H&M and Forever 21 have great style pieces to mix in without breaking the bank too.

  3. I am slowly building my business casual wardrobe and found the most affordable fashionable office appropriate clothing at H&M. I've really embraced color blocking and often just match up solid tops with bright skirts. Love love this post. Definitely give me some inspiration for my next shopping trip.

  4. wow all those girls look fab!!!

    i love chiara!!

    got a new outfitpost, tell me what you think about it!!!


  5. LOVE the spice of color with business attire! I love the pink skirt out especially. Great inspirational pieces!!

  6. BTW I'm following you now! great blog :)

  7. Shopping for work clothes always drives me slightly batty! Love the looks you've put together and I think that they will be fabulous. I also find a lot of great pieces at Anthro (expensive, but worth it), and JCrew. Good luck on the new opportunity!

  8. These outfits are ridic! Love them!!!

    It's funny cause my work is business casual. But sometimes I feel like wearing a more 'dressy' dress or outfit and heels. And my one coworker that we call grandpa, always got your big girl shoes on today. Hilarious.

    Seriously, gotta have some splash of color. I'm working on that whenever I buy something now. I just love my black and whites too much though.

  9. I am so lucky bc my office is super casual. We can wear jeans as long as they aren't ripped up. In the summer I tend to be the dressiest in the office bc I live in dresses but in the winter I am in jeans almost everyday. It is fun to dress up every once in a while though. Except when I do my coworkers think I have a job interview!

  10. My dress code is very formal, so I try to incorporate pops of color wherever I can, like a brightly patterned pencil skirt, a pretty pink cardigan, or bright red lipstick. I also love doing different hair and makeup looks to makeup for the boring clothes I sometimes have to wear.

  11. Just found your blog and these outfits are so wonderful!
    Can't wait to follow along!

  12. I think you nailed it with the scarves comment and accessories. You can dress up any outfit (aka basics) with the right finishing touches. I think light layers look nice too - along with shoes that have a 2 - 2 1/2 inch heel. Flats can be tricky unless you're tall.

    Excited for you to start your new career!


    Oktoberfest Giveway - 2 Beer Steins from Germany. Ends soon!

  13. Great inspiration, thanks for sharing!

    Laura x

  14. NY&Co has some great cheap business casual pieces. Our office is business casual, but it's pretty relaxed. We can normally get away with sandals and flip flops in the summer, but I try to dress it up a little bit.


Thank you for stopping by! I love reading your comments!