
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Painting the Roses Red- Wedding Advice

At the shower, on their own time, the guests were able to "Paint the Roses Red with Words of Wisdom for the Bride-to-Be". Who better to get advice from than other women? I've been reading some of them over and there are some true gems that I wanted to share with everyone. I know the list is kind of long and I tried not to repeat anything, but I got some really great advice (and some funny ones) and what kind of a girlfriend would I be if I kept it to myself?

-Always listen without being emotional
-Don't split up even when you want to. Stay, it will get better.
-Have fun together
-Make love often, at least four time a week
-Go to church together
-Have special dates
-Forgive each other
-Pray together
-Learn to laugh at each other
-Support each other
-Cook for each other
-Keep your sense of humor
-Get a maid
-Be VERY patient, communication is key
-Don't give up (you will want to at times). Your marriage will be a lot of ups and downs, but the downs are what make you stronger. Everything you go through will be worth every second at the end.
-Never control each other
-Go on vacation
-Remember that you chose HIM to be your husband
-Never keep things bottled up, tell him how you feel
-Never go to bed angry and never without a kiss
-Always follow your heart
-Be honest with each other at all times- even if it hurts
-The first year is the hardest, compromise is the key
-May all your ups and downs be in the bedroom
-Don't sweat the small stuff, pick your battles
-Give each other a kiss every day before you leave the house and tell him you love him
-Always compromise and do what's best for the marriage
-Laugh, laugh, laugh.
-Forgive, forget and let go
-He is only right NEVER
-It takes more energy to be mad/angry than it does to forgive
-Get it while the gettin' is good
-Always be ready to talk and share the day, your heart, and your love
-Always listen to each other and respect each other's feelings
-Pray when you want to strangle him
-Always go to bed at the same time every night
-Take 1 hour a day to talk about anything BUT the kids
-Be independent
-After 47 years of marriage I have learned that if there is a disagreement- if it doesn't matter next Tuesday it is not that important

What do you think? Any advice you would like to share? What's the best advice you've received about relationships?


  1. LOVE THIS IDEA! I think you received lots of great advice!

  2. PS Some of my favorite pieces of advice: He is only right NEVER, Remember that you chose HIM to be your husband HAHA.... But I definitely agree with lots of the other advice you received.

  3. Those were cute, thanks for sharing!

  4. these were great! i personally don't believe the first year is the hardest though, but my hubs and i had previously lived together so it wasn't a big change.
    sex 4x a week?! wow. i need to step it up!

  5. Natalie H.March 03, 2011

    Such Amazing Comments!!

    Really made my Day:-)
    All are so motivating to read!!

    Great Bridal Shower Idea!!

  6. All great advice! Such a cute idea. Thanks for sharing lady!

  7. Something similar was done at my shower and I thought it was a great idea. I have a whole journal filled with great advice from family and friends. Never going to bed angry is a big one and taking vacations is something important to me.

  8. This was such a great idea! My favorite is "Forgive, forget & let go" is so true as a married couple you need to "forgive & forget" & move forward, what is in the past is in the past.

  9. I love the only have ups and downs in the bedroom haha.

    on a more serious note, I have learned to forgive a lot faster than i used to in the past. We are both stubborn and someone always has to be the less stubborn (and it's always me lol) but compromise is the hardest lesson to learn! I have heard that the first year is the hardest and I agree with that!

  10. Best advice I ever heard was from my mom. "You both will change. The key is to change together." Love all the advice you received too :)

  11. You are so beautiful :)
    Great blog dear!


  12. this is great advice. wish i had some to offer, but unfortunately im not the greatest "relationship expert", so ill spare you the bad advice i would probably have to offer.

    i think my favorite is "get a maid". LOL!!!!!!!

  13. The best advice that I received before Jeff and I got married were...

    Always keep the Lord in the center of your marriage!

  14. The best advice that I received before Jeff and I got married were...

    Always keep the Lord in the center of your marriage!

  15. What a great selection of advice!

  16. Kristen- Love the advice. TOTALLY agree on "Get A Msid" -Both of us work so hard that cleaning is the last thing we want to do with our spare time! No cleaning arguments makes her worth the $50 we pay her!

  17. What wonderful advice! I love them all.

  18. My favorite is - Pray when you want to strangle him. THAT person is totally keeping it real in my book haha

  19. When I got married, someone wrote when the grass looks greener, it's time to water your own lawn.


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