
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Resolutions, October Update

Aagh only two more months left in the year!! I seriously can't believe how fast this year has been going!! I've made some great advances in my resolutions and I can't wait to share them with you!

As always, I'm sure many of you, myself included, have given up, started new resolutions, etc. Luckily, the year is almost over so we get to start over soon!
Here is my progress for October: 

1. Write in my journal- No change from previous months. This resolution has died, may it rest in peace. 

2. This is my year of savings- I'm continuing to save for the wedding, but still trying to put a little something away for my personal savings. I need to be saving some more though and will have to show some restraint over the holidays. It always feel as though no matter what you make, it's never enough. I need to really budget myself and I'm doing fine as I am now, but there's always room for improvement.

3. Lose body fat before wedding date- I've worked out a few times this month and ate pretty healthy, and I LOST 5LBS!! Woohoo!! I'm still nowhere near where I want to be so I have hired a trainer! I figure I can use a trainer once a week and then when I get to where I want to be I can cut back to just maintain until the wedding/honeymoon. I debated back and forth for a long time about getting a trainer and I think it will be what I need to A) actually go to the gym and not slack while I'm there B) get results C) keep me motivated and D) learn what I actually need to do to change according to my body type. I'm pretty excited about this new adventure! Anyone out there used a trainer before? What's your opinion? I've also made small changes like cutting out beer and changing from whole milk to 1%. I was pretty nervous about switching, but 1% is delicious!

4. Learn to cook- This month I made Cider from Leah's recipe of The Way We Are, check out her post here about it. It was a huge hit and I will be brewing it up for Thanksgiving and possibly Christmas.  Last week my cousin also taught me how to make sushi and since the Fiance and I love sushi, I think I'll have to make it for him.

5. To be more personal on this blog- I'm having a lot more fun with my blog now that I'm more personal on it and I think that it's really grown. For any future posts, is there anything you'd like to see more of? Less of? Anything you'd like to know about me?

So, how have you ladies been doing with your resolutions? Have you changed or modified any of them? Do you have any resolutions for the new Fall season? I think I'm going to do next year's resolutions slightly different and will let you all know how it will be next month!


  1. YAY on the 5LBS! I had a trainer for a couple of months & it was the best thing I ever did, it really does get u motivated to work out. Keep it up sista!

  2. I have a personal trainer and LOVE it. It forces me to go to the gym because I'm paying for it! He pushes me WAY harder than I would push myself and I've learned a ton! I think you're going to love it! :) Great work on the 5lbs!

  3. I dont even remember what my resolutions were. I am sure lose weight was probably in there and I have done a little bit of that. I need to get back into the gym though! I had a trainer for a year and it was fantastic.

  4. My brother is moving home in a month! He is a UFC esque fighter (well he belonged to a "fight club" in FL) So he's my personal trainer! He's incredible! I've pretty much recruited him to kick my arse into gear! :)

    Good luck!

  5. love the resolutions!!! thats so cool that you actually got a trainer. thats one of my goals too. i have a disability so getting on and off of machines is quite difficult and alot of the time i feel like i may not be in the exact right position and what not so having help would be great. i think it would be great motivation let me know how it goes!!!

    i think your blog is absolutely fab the way it is but i would love to see more of you daily outfits!!!

    hope all is well. i keep trying to find the LLP facebook page but can never seem to get to it! I started a page for my blog too!


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