
Thursday, September 9, 2010

Resolutions, August Update

"As you wish"
I'm sorry ladies, but this month I was so freaking bad at my resolutions! I was also out of town two of these weekends so I blame it on that for messing up my routine! That's fair right? So, as a distraction- I'd like to dedicate this post's images and quotes from one of my favorite movies and books, The Princess Bride. Check out some fun trivia about the movie here.

As always, I'm sure many of you, myself included, have given up, started new resolutions, etc.
Here is my progress for July: 

"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die"
"No more rhymes now, I mean it" "Anybody want a peanut?" "DYEEAAHHHHHH"
1. Write in my journal- No change from previous months, I did go to Vroman's bookstore to look for the One Line A Day: A Five-Year Memory Book, where you write one line a day, but wasn't able to find it there either. I think I'm just going to give up on this for a while and add it to my Christmas wish list.

"You seem a decent fellow... I hate to kill you"
"You seem a decent fellow... I hate to die. "

2. This is my year of savings- With less than 250 days before the wedding every penny we save counts! I'm continuing to save for the wedding, but still trying to put a little something away for my personal savings. We've made a few wedding down payments and it's so exciting! After the wedding the Fiance and I will be pinching every penny to try and buy a house. So I'm glad I'm getting some practice in now!

"You mean, you'll put down your rock and I'll put down my sword, and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people? "

3. Lose body fat before wedding date- I've been so busy this month that my schedule is all messed up and crazy. After work, shopping, wedding planning etc the last thing I want to do is exercise. I have started cycling classes at my 24 Hour Fitness and love them! I'm going every Wednesday with one of my BFFs. At first I literally thought about keeling over and letting the bike take me out with it's fast spinning wheels, but after the first 30 minutes your legs go numb and you no longer pray for death. I actually kind of enjoy this class and it definitely gets easier. I would suggest pacing yourself the first class so you know how far to push yourself the next time. In September, I'm also gone two weekends, but I'm hoping to get back on the routine mid month.

I also didn't follow my diet plan whatsoever. Once I'm working out regularly I'll try it again. I have continued to eat healthier though.
Do you have any tips for motivating yourself to go to the gym? Any pointers for eating less but not being hungry or tired?? Please dish!!

"Is this a kissing book? "
4. Learn to cook- Last week I made bruschetta and it was phenomenal!! It was so easy too I'm going to make it all the time as a snack! I used 6-8 tomatoes diced, 3 fresh diced garlic cloves, 1 tablespoon of each vinegar and extra virgin oil, 4-5 basil leaves, and salt and pepper to taste. I added a little bit more garlic and basil leaves after the initial ones just because I liked it better that way and none of my tomatoes were the same size. Mix all of this and let stand no longer than 3 hours before serving. Then for the bread, I used one sourdough and one white baguette sliced, brushed the olive oil and diced garlic cloves on the top of each piece and put under the broiler for a few minutes. It was so delicious and was gone in 10 minutes flat! Just ask Kipp from Shiny Things Distract Me how good it was, she was there with the most amazing Sangria! Get her recipe here.

"Get back, witch. "
"I'm not a witch, I'm your wife. But after what you just said, I'm not even sure I want to be that any more. "

5. To be more personal on this blog- I'm having a lot more fun with my blog now that I'm more personal on it and I think that it's really grown. For any future posts, is there anything you'd like to see more of? Less of? Anything you'd like to know about me?

"Death cannot stop true love. All it can do is delay it for a while."

So, how have you ladies been doing with your resolutions? Have you changed or modified any of them? Do you have any resolutions for the new Fall season?

Don't forget to enter my giveaway for a Corioliss Flat Iron! Enter here!


  1. Oh man, your resolutions sound a lot like mine! I wish I had some magic tip that could make you (and me) love working out, super motivated to do so and not so darn tired! If you figure something out please pass it on!

  2. I can't even remember my resolutions so you are way ahead of me!! As for getting rid of the body fat, that's something I'm working on now as well (baby fat!) and the best way I have found so far is to count calories and keep a food journal. I use an app on my iPod touch called Lose It to keep track of my food and exercising. So far it's been working since I have only 9 pounds left to go before I hit pre-pregnancy weight! Good luck with all of your resolutions, they are all great ones!

  3. MMmmmmm Bruschetta....

    Thanks for the Sangria shout out!

    By the way...I LOVE LOVE LOVE it when you review beauty products. I always fall back on my trusty favorites but I've branched out in nail polish and mascara since I read about you trying out a few!

  4. Ahhhh I love The Princess Bride.. I mean who doesn't love Wesley and Buttercup!!?? Your resolutions are great!

  5. I love the Princess Bride :) You are doing good on your resolutions! Have a fabulous weekend.

  6. The Princess Bride is one of my all-time favorite movies! No one ever sticks to resolutions, so don't get down on yourself. But in regards to your weight loss/working out, when you go away for a weekend you should just stick to a healthy diet & try to do some squats & push-ups in the morning if you can't do anything else & as for motivation...hello...WEDDING!!!!


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