
Thursday, August 19, 2010

My Mailbox was Overflowing

When I came home this week, my mailbox was seriously overflowing with magazines. Since they're the September issues aka the fashion issues for the fall season InStyle and Glamour were giant sized. Glamour is nearly double or even tripled it's usual thickness! Can't wait to catch up on all the September issues, lots of reading this month!

I got my first issue of Shape magazine too, I can't wait to dive in and get some new work out exercises!

What magazines do you subscribe too? What ones do you frequently buy?


  1. I love the Glamour cover with Jennifer! She looks so hot! I just get Elle Decor and Living Etc. I need to subscribe for more though!


  2. Ya, JLo looks great on the cover! I usually ask for subscriptions as bday or Christmas gifts. Also, if you go on ebay you can usually score some great deals!

  3. I have those in a stack to read as well!!! I subscribe to InStyle, Glamour, Lucky and Women's fitness (or something-another!)

  4. Is it me or is J.Lo getting better with age??? Cripes! She looks amazing!

    I can't live without people magazine and I spend a hefty some on wedding mags. I realize I'm not engaged, but I love weddings that much! And the BF doesn't think I'm crazy, so that's a plus.

  5. I have really enjoyed "Self" magazine. They have awesome healthy recipes and great date ideas complete with new and fresh/casual fashion. Love it!

  6. I love magazines! The smell, the pages, EVERYTHING!!!

  7. Great selection! I also love Self and Women's Health

  8. Nice, can't wait to see what you pull out for Fall fashion! I love Shape as well but I always buy it with Fitness!

  9. love love love magazines! its ridiculous how much i spend each month..i get shape,cosmo,glamour,self and sometimes a tabloid if im interested. where do u get ur subscriptions from i need to get on that


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